Chief and Cross Examination of Witnesses - A Practical Guide to Court Room Practice, Decorum and Tactics

Date: Jan 31, 2023 - Jan 31, 2023

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Event Type: Webinar

Presenter: Dwight Snyman

A Practical Guide to Court Room Practice, Decorum and Tactics


In an adversarial legal system, such as that which predominates in the Republic of South Africa, Cross Examination of witnesses, and by extension examinations in chief, are the primary vehicle by which our courts determine disputes of fact, and consequently are one of if not the most important court room skill that is required of a Legal Representative.

To be skilful in this area is to be an asset and ally to your client’s cause that cannot be dispensed with; likewise to be reckless, clumsy or unprepared in your approach to interviewing witnesses on the stand is a surefire way to see your client doomed without the opposition even having to lift a finger if the mistake is grave enough.

Join Adv Dwight Snyman on the 31st of January from 10:00 - 12:00  where he will explore the fascinating cutting edge of litigation, and will obtain a solid basis from which to hone the vital skills that will make you the terror of opposing lawyers in court. 

By the end of this webinar the attendee should know:

  • How to conduct an Examination in Chief
  • How to conduct a Cross Examination
  • Rules and Requirements of Cross-Exam – WHAT NOT TO DO!
  • Useful Tricks and Tips
  • Proper Court Etiquette and behaviour
  • Preparing your own witnesses for Cross Exam


The webinar will cover the following topics: 

  • The Purpose of Vive Voce Evidence
  • The Rules of Examination in Chief
  • The Rules of Cross Exam
  • Tactics – What are we trying to achieve and how do we get the witness there
  • Style, Presentation and Tone – How to present yourself and get the best out of the witness.
  • Preparing your own witnesses.
  • What not to do – Major pitfalls and dangers
  • Preparing for Trial, Examinations and Cross Examinations
  • What do you do when your opponent has the floor
  • Win, but not at the cost of your honour – Ethical concerns and dilemmas

About the Presenter: 

Dwight is an admitted member of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates and is accredited by the Legal Practitioners Council as an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa.

Before being called to the Bar, Dwight completed articles of clerkship, and attorney’s competency exams under the auspices of the Wits Law Clinic. He completed his Advocacy pupillage under the tutelage of the esteemed Adv. Louis Du Bruyn.

Dwight has had opportunity and success in litigation, in the High and Magistrates’ Courts of the republic, the CCMA, Disciplinary Hearings, Appeal Courts and assorted other venues and forums, and has become possessed of practical litigation experience beyond what would normally be expected from a practitioner of his age and seniority.

Dwight is the holder of a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) from the University of Cape Town, and postgraduate Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of the Witwatersrand, for which he was accorded the honour of being on the Dean’s list for his academic performance.


R500 per person

For those of you who are unable to attend the live webinar, the recording will be made available to you shortly after the event.

Who should attend?

  • Candidate Attorneys,
  • Law Students,
  • Pupil Advocates,
  • Paralegals,
  • Young/junior legal practitioners.

Additional material

By attending this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.
  • You can ask questions during the webinar and you will also have access to the presenter after the webinar.

For any assistance please send an email to [email protected] or call Karien van der Merwe on +27 (12) 941 0448

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