Although the latest Cabinet-approved medium-term development plan has yet to be published, a present...
Input is sought on a draft concept document for government’s proposed new ‘transformation fund’, whi...
Submissions are sought on the latest Division of Revenue Bill, which seeks to provide for the equita...
A ‘B’ version of the Public Service Commission Bill has been passed by the National Assembly and sen...
Input is sought on a national payment system discussion document and two related draft directives. A...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on interim proposals emerging from the J...
Most sections of the Climate Change Act are now in force, enabling ‘the development of an effective...
The Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Act will be in force in its entirety from 1 April 2025, co...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has called for input at exceptionally short notice on proposed ame...
Recently gazetted new regulations and amendments to existing regulations under the VAT Act affect ca...
The latest set of comprehensive amendments to the Liquor Act regulations has been gazetted and is im...
A recently tabled Judicial Matters Amendment Bill focuses on ‘practical and technical issues of a no...
Action SA intends tabling a new Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Amendment Bill with the aim of...
New appeal regulations under the 1998 National Environmental Management Act are now in force, repeal...
Input is sought on construction industry-specific draft regulations in anticipation of replacing tho...
SA Legal Academy brings you key takeaways from the 2025/26 Budget speech. Our summary excludes comme...
The ‘exclusive right’ of the South African Post Office (SAPO) SOC Ltd to provide reserved services i...
From 1 April 2025, certain provisions in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act will no longer apply...
Newly regulations under the Occupational Health & Safety Act have been gazetted, focusing on physica...
The Department of Health has gazetted draft regulations on national health insurance fund governance...
The Prudential Authority has called for public comments on two Banks Act draft directives. One focus...
Further amendments to regulations under the Deeds Registries Act have been gazetted and will come in...
Amendments to regulations under Sectional Titles Act have been gazetted in anticipation of becoming...
Regulations under the Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Act have been gazetted and will be in fo...