Cybercrimes and POPI Act Update

Date: Aug 23, 2023 - Aug 23, 2023

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Event Type: Webinar

Presenter: Elgemé Haarhoff

Join Adv. Elgemé Haarhoff for an update on the Cybercrimes and POPIA Act. Dive into the definitions, implications, and strategies for compliance. Essential for legal professionals, IT experts, and HR representatives.


According to the Cybercrimes Act, cybercrime is an official recognised crime and criminal offence in South African. It is imperative to understand that all South African citizens and organizations who utilize the internet for communication or data processing are impacted in one way or another by this legislation. Cybercrimes are one of the criminal sectors with the fastest global growth.

Hence, the Cybercrimes Act specifies many categories of cybercrimes and offers procedures for inquiry. To successfully regulate and prosecute cybercrimes, South Africa required precise definitions of what constitutes these cybercrimes. Cyber extortion, unauthorized access to a computer system or data storage medium, cyber fraud, and malicious communications, including the unlawful distribution of intimate images, are some examples of these crimes.

Join us with Adv. Elgemé Haarhoff on the 23rd of August 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. as she presents what you should know about the Cybercrimes Act in 2023


Learning objectives

By the end of this webinar the attendee should be able to:

  • Know and comprehend the true purpose of how the Cybercrimes Act is defined;
  • Understand the definitions and interpretations of the terminology used under the Cybercrimes Act;
  • Identify the various forms of Cybercrimes;
  • Distinguish and differentiate between the different typed of Cybercrimes;
  • Determine jurisdiction in terms of Cybercrime Offences;
  • Grasp the importance and obligation of reporting Cybercrimes;
  • Recognise different manners to commit and be involved in Cybercrimes Offences;
  • Use available evidence by affidavit; and
  • Be aware of the option and availability to make use mutual assistance in combatting Cybercrime Offences.



The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • The preamble of the Cybercrimes Act;
  • Important definitions and interpretation of the Cybercrimes Act;
  • Different Cybercrimes;
  • Attempting, conspiring, aiding, abetting, inducing, inciting, instigating, instructing, commanding or procuring to commit a cybercrime offence;
  • Jurisdiction;
  • Evidence;


About the presenter:

Adv. Elgemé Haarhoff successfully completed SS-Law (Cum Laude) in 2014 presented by the University of Pretoria in Association with the Pretoria Society of Advocates.

Since 2014, Adv. Haarhoff underwent 17 continuous development courses, inter alia, Cybercrime by Prof. DP van der Merwe, who assisted in drafting the Cybercrimes Act and publication of the book titled “Information and Communications Technology Law” and Cybercrimes under her LLM Degree by Adv. Wilma Gernandt from the Justice College who also assisted in drafting of the Cybercrimes Act.

Adv. Haarhoff furthermore completed various leadership courses and successfully completed her BA-Law degree in 2016.

During 2018 she became a Divorce and Family Mediator, completed numerous Trial Advocacy Courses presented by the Pretoria Society of Advocates, Pretoria Attorneys Association including the Black Lawyers Association, Advanced Psychology Training for Mediators, and School for Legal Practice through the University of Pretoria.

In 2019 she obtained her LLB degree (Academic Information Management; Criminology; Family law; Legal Practice; Deeds and Notarial Practice; Statutory Crimes) from the University of Pretoria and completed her Pupillage (cum laude) at the Gauteng Society of Advocates in 2020.

Adv. Haarhoff became admitted during 2021 and ever since practiced as an advocate of the High Court, passionate about Criminal Law. She also completed her LLM Degree in Procedural Law in 2023 at the University of Pretoria and is a LLD Prospective Candidate at the University of Pretoria.

Adv. Haarhoff presented various webinars on the Cybercrimes Act with the South African Legal Academy, guest lecturer at the University of Pretoria and part time lecturer at Eduvos.


Who should attend?

The following persons will benefit from attending this webinar:

  • Prospective & Registered Law Students;
  • Candidate Attorneys & Pupils
  • Officers of the Court in the Private Sector
  • Legal Practitioners – Attorneys, Advocates & Trust Fund Advocate
  • Members of law enforcement and investigators
  • HR Representatives & Legal Secretaries
  • Information Security officers & Managers
  • Legal / Regulatory - Advisors, -Officers & -Staff
  • In house counsel
  • Forensic Investigators, IT professionals & IT vendors
  • Administrative Officers under various Governmental Departments
  • Compliance officers, risk officers, risk managers, IT governance officers, managers.
  • Registrars of the High Court & Clerks of the Magistrates Court
  • Other Officials in the Administration of Justice in the Public Service under various Governmental Departments
  • Presiding Officers (Judge’s and Magistrates), Public Prosecutors, State Attorneys and State Law Advisers.
  • Anyone tasked with cybercrimes protection and /or interested in expanding their knowledge  


The event is complimentary 

For those of you who are unable to attend the live webinar, the recording will be made available to you shortly after the event.

Additional material

By attending this webinar, you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation;
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available;
  • You are welcome to ask questions during the webinar; and
  • You will also have access to the presenter after the webinar for further discussions. 

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Venues & Dates

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