Developing Government funding applications for clients

Date: Jul 13, 2023 - Jul 13, 2023

CPD hours: 4 Hours

Time: 09:00 - 13:00

Event Type: Webinar

Presenter: Wean Minnie

Join the Legal Academy's webinar on developing government funding applications for clients as he shows you how to assist you  and your clients to access government funding which will assist in the continued survival of their businesses.


According to the SME South Africa Landscape Report, most small business owners surveyed are actively seeking funding. However, 94% of SMEs surveyed reported that they had yet to receive funding from the government.

To access this funding, business owners need the assistance of accounting practitioners to research, plan, draft and submit successful applications. In this webinar, Wean Minnie CA(SA) discusses the different funding agencies that are there and the steps to be followed by applicants in order to meet mandatory requirements for successful funding applications.

Join Wean on 13 July 2023 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm as he shows you how to assist you  and your clients to access government funding which will assist in the continued survival of their businesses.

Learning objectives

Attending this webinar will equip you with the following skills:

  • Identify the different SME funding agencies in South Africa.
  • Understanding of the different grants available for SMEs.
  • Ability to select the correct type of funding based on your SME client's business profile.
  • Understand the funding criteria and processes, and advise your clients about SME funding briefing sessions.
  • Knowledge to establish a functional government funding advisory unit within your practice.


The webinar will cover the following topics: 

  • Funding agencies in South Africa.
  • Types of grants.
  • Qualification criteria and processes.
  • Preparing for funding briefing sessions.
  • Drafting smart funding applications.
  • Submitting complete applications timeously.
  • Following up on submissions.
  • Establishing a government funding assistance service in your firm.


About the presenter

Wean Minnie

Minnie is a qualified CA(SA) who did his articles at PricewaterhouseCoopers. During his stay at PWC, Wean worked extensively with entrepreneurial businesses, typically SMMEs. From 2010 to 2020 he worked in the public sector, first at the Auditor-General for two years and then as Chief Financial Officer of the National Skills Fund for eight years. During this period he gained extensive experience in public sector grants related to skills development, especially grants provided by the National Skills Fund and the SETAs.

Wean is currently a partner at Siyon Capital which was established to invoke thriving organisations through inspired purpose. Siyon Capital partners with entrepreneurs to help their businesses thrive. This includes unlocking capital for growth, developing and implementing routes to market, structuring the entrepreneurs’ businesses to improve their BBBEE scores and improving operational efficiencies. Wean, a devoted Christian, is happily married to his wife Lise and they have two children.

Who should attend?

The following persons will benefit from attending this webinar:

  • Practising accountants
  • Legal Practitioners 
  • Accounting officers.
  • Financial managers/ directors. 


  • R 575.00 - Online admission - Individual.
  • Discounts available for group bookings

    For those of you who are unable to attend the live webinar, the recording will be made available to you shortly after the event.


Additional material

By attending this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.
  • You can ask questions during the webinar and you will also have access to the presenter after the webinar.

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Venues & Dates

The following venues and dates are available for this event.

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