Edith Wilkins

Edith Wilkins is currently a director at Sekretari (Pty) Ltd, a company secretarial practice. She has 25 years' experience in Advanced Corporate Law and Corporate Governance. Edith joined Sekretari (Pty) Ltd in 1995 and has been involved with the company's training since 2011 where she presents seminars and webinars as well as conducting in-house training to corporate clients.  

Edith acts as company secretary to various large companies on company statutory duties including drafting agendas, board packs, liaising with CIPC, attending meetings and drafting of minutes. 

Events that was hosted by Edith Wilkins

Event Start Date CPD Hours Status
2024 Companies Act Amendments Updates 30 September 2024 2
Coming Soon
Companies Act Update 2024 29 April 2024 1
Event Past
2023 CIPC Update 19 July 2023 2
Event Past

Webinars on Demand presented by Edith Wilkins

Title Hours
2023 CIPC Update 2
2023 CIPC Update 2
Companies Act Update 2024 1
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