Fuad Miah

Fuad Miah

Fuad Miah founders of Bluecap.ai, bring over 15 years of experience in utilizing AI and digital marketing to optimize business processes and attract new clients. They have successfully helped various intricate businesses transform their operations using AI, including CAA, one of Canada's largest business entities. Their in-depth knowledge in implementing AI tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, and their own Bluecap for sales process optimization makes them ideal instructors for this topic. With their unique blend of experience, they are excited to help attorneys and accountants uncover the potential of AI in their profession. 

Events that was hosted by Fuad Miah

Event Start Date CPD Hours Status
Leveraging AI for Business Growth: Attracting New... 21 September 2023 2
Event Past

Webinars on Demand presented by Fuad Miah

Title Hours
Leveraging AI for Business Growth: Attracting New Clients with Smart Technologies 2
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