
Attorneys Trust Audits & Bookkeeping - Guide on submission of reports to LPC

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

Attorneys Trust Audits & Bookkeeping - Guide on submission of reports to LPC

Presenters : Godfrey Chokoe CA(SA)


The Legal Practice Council (LPC) is a regulatory body for legal practitioners such as attorneys and advocates.

Right from the first day of opening a legal practice, legal practitioners immediately face the tedious and taxing administrative part of their practice which they either barely understand or have little time and resource for. This however, is a legal requirement that involves the balancing of their trust account books, monthly accounting and before they know it, submission of audit reports to the LPC.

This webinar demystifies these legal practitioner responsibilities through practical guidance and explanations that make compliance easier and less complex.

Godfrey Chokoe CA(SA) presented this on 24 August 2021 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm where he gives guidance and explanations on compliance with the LPC's requirements for every legal practice.

Learning objectives

By the end of this webinar the attendee should:

  • Understand the different types of audit reports required by the LPC;
  • Know when to submit audit reports to the LPC;
  • Understand bookkeeping vs auditing and know who does what and when;
  • Understand the LPC's requirements regarding the audit of legal practitioners' trust accounts; and
  • Understand the LPC's requirements regarding bookkeeping of legal practitioners' trust accounts.

About the presenters

Godfrey Chokoe CA(SA)

Godfrey Chokoe is a qualified Chartered Accountant in Practice and a director of Chokes Circle Chartered Accountants, He specializes in Bookkeeping and Accounting of Legal Practitioners’ Trust and Business Accounts, mainly with the purpose of assisting legal Practitioners in meeting their statutory requirements in the areas of Bookkeeping, Accounting and Auditing as required by Legal Practice Council (LPC).


The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Submission of audit reports to the LPC.
  • Types of audit reports required.
  • When to submit the audit reports.
  • Bookkeeping vs Auditing:
  • Who, when, what?
  • Bookkeeping of legal practitioners’ trust accounts.
  • Auditing of legal practitioners’ trust accounts.

Who should attend?

The following persons will benefit from attending this webinar:

  • Legal Practitioners;
  • Legal officers of companies;
  • Legal Secretaries and Legal Assistants
  • Employees; and
  • Anyone interested in Employment Law.

Additional material

By attending this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.
  • You can ask questions during the webinar, and you will also have access to the presenters after the webinar.

Contact us for more information
Phone: 011 664 7140 / E-mail: [email protected]

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