Labour Law

Labour Law Update - July 2021

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

Labour Law Update - July 2021


July 2021 - Over the past month, various intriguing and ground-breaking developments affected everyone’s lives and work situations. From processing one’s personal information (POPIA) to having South Africans glued to TV screens watching how contempt proceedings unfold before our very own eyes.

These events have led us to question our role within the workplace, society, and law. Have the powers of the judiciary been compromised, and what is the way forward?
What do the changes mean for us as employees, employers and human resources representatives, and what should we be mindful of as we navigate these new developments?

Labour law experts Andrew Goldberg and Dr JJ van der Walt held this webinar on 29 July 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. as they presented a labour law update and other significant changes that affect you.

Learning objectives

By the end of this webinar the attendee should:

  • Understand what restraints of trade is, why it is entered into and enforced, as well as some common pitfalls;
  • Understand how the process of contempt works;
  • Understand the jurisdiction of the Labour Court;
  • How Salary claims are brought;
  • Understand how to draft pleadings, heads of argument and closing arguments as well as common pitfalls; and
  • Understand the impact of the provisions of POPIA on employers and employees as well as be aware of  some of the key items to get employers POPIA-compliant.

About the presenters

Andrew Goldberg

Andrew Goldberg has been practising for over 17 years in Labour Law, with 10 of those years in own practice. He is the holder of a Masters Degree in Labour Law. Andrew is an Acting Judge of the Labour Court with two reported judgments and over a thousand appearances at the Labour Court. Andrew has the special ability to breakdown topics so that attendees can fully understand all the processes under discussion.

Dr Johannes Jacobus van der Walt

Johannes Jacobus van der Walt is an admitted attorney specialising in labour law - both litigious and advisory, as well as corporate investigations. He has extensive experience in corporate investigations that naturally translate into advising employers on how to pursue allegations successfully and pragmatically against implicated employees, and, where appropriate, representing clients in their co-operation and interaction with public regulatory and other bodies.


The webinar will cover the following topics: 

  • Restraints of Trade and why the law is favouring employers.
  • A practical analysis of the process of contempt.
  • Claims for outstanding salaries.
  • Drafting Heads of Argument and Closing Arguments - an overview.
  • The Labour Court and High Court.
    • Jurisdiction; and
    • Damages Claims.
  • The impact of POPIA on the workplace.

Who should attend?

The following persons will benefit from attending this webinar:

  • Legal Practitioners;
  • HR Representatives;
  • Legal officers of companies;
  • Employees; and
  • Anyone interested in Employment Law.

Additional material

By attending this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.
  • You can ask questions during the webinar, and you will also have access to the presenters after the webinar.

Contact us for more information
Phone: 011 664 7140 / E-mail: [email protected]


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