New Legislation

PAJA Applications - The opportunity and threat of the Promotion of the Administrative Justice Act

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

PAJA Applications - The opportunity and threat of the Promotion of the Administrative Justice Act


Are you navigating the complex landscape of administrative decisions and actions in South Africa? Do you seek clarity on your rights, entitlements and avenues for recourse when facing administrative challenges? 

Join Adv. Dwight Snyman where he will delve into the intricacies of the South African Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, (PAJA).  As a trailblazing legislation enacted to promote transparency, fairness and accountability in administrative matters, PAJA plays a crucial role in safeguarding your rights and ensuring just outcomes.. or does it? 


Learning objectives

By the end of this webinar the attendee should know:

  • The Basis of Administrative Law and Review
  • Important Provisions of the act and interpretation thereof
  • Dangers of PAJA Litigation – Safeguards for malefactors
  • Tactical decision making in the institution of proceedings
  • Review vs PAJA Review – Picking the right tool for the job


The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • What is Administrative Law?
  • The Pre-PAJA landscape
  • PAJA – Provisions
  • PAJA – Interpretation
  • PAJA – Important Precedents
  • Safeguards for Scoundrels – The Duality of PAJA
  • Strategy and tactics
  • Review from the Principle of Legality vs PAJA Review
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