Consumer Law

Practical approach to Mercantile Law

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R500.00

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Practical approach to Mercantile Law

Presenters : Verlaine de Wit

This webinar on demand is part of a series of webinars. Click here to read more


This webinar will serve as an introduction to the Litigation & Commercial Law Short Course that covers the most important fields of mercantile law: corporate law, contractual law, insolvency law, dispute resolution and administrative law. This webinar is also an introduction to mercantile law. Mercantile law comprises the fields of the law that regulate business activities. Having a good understanding of mercantile law is essential to any lawyer who wants to establish a commercially-focused practice.

Join Adv Verlaine De Wit  where he will unpack this field of the law for you.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this webinar, you will have a firm grasp of what comprises mercantile law and the most important principles of its component fields. 


The webinar will cover the following:

  • What is mercantile law
  • Companies law
  • Insolvency law
  • Dispute resolution
  • Administrative law

About the presenter: 

Advocate Verlaine de Wit is a member of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates and keeps chambers with the Maisels Group. He has been in practice for over ten years and focuses mostly on mercantile law. He holds a LLM in International Trade Law and further qualifications in international commercial arbitration and film producing.

Who this is for?

  • Attorneys
  • Advocates
  • Legal Advisors
  • Law Clerks
  • Pupils
  • Law Students
  • Anyone Interested in Law


R 500.00 

For more information about the Litigation & Commercial Law Short Course, please click here.

Additional material: 

By purchasing this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.


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