
Acrimonious Divorce Litigation - how to guide your client and fulfil your duties

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

Acrimonious Divorce Litigation - how to guide your client and fulfil your duties

Presenters : Dwight Snyman


Its always easier if you can enjoy a professional and courteous relationship with one’s legal opponents, if emotion can be subordinated to reason, if the parties to a dispute can hear each other out in good faith. But what if that’s not on the cards? What if the circumstances of the litigation make normalcy impossible? How then do you guide your client and fulfil your duties? Welcome to acrimonious divorce litigation!

In this Webinar you will receive a crash course on how to navigate your way through those ugly divorces where everything (including the kitchen sink) is up for grabs, and the smartest and best prepped lawyer will be victorious. Any hack can get an unopposed and settled divorce through court? But how do you win a war?

Join Adv. Dwight Snyman where he will provide a starting point for both strategy and practice.

Learning objectives: 

By the end of this webinar the attendee should know:

  • Common practice in divorce litigation
  • Parameters of relief that can be sought
  • Children, and the law of divorce
  • Making provision for the financial consequences
  • Tactics and Stratagems
  • Playing tough, but never unfair – Professional Ethics
  • Cross-examination of witnesses
  • Evidence -Gathering and it’s use in court
  • Common pitfalls


The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Why do Divorces go Bad? Common Causes and how to avoid them
  • Dangers of acrimonious Divorce
  • The importance of the Legal Representative
  • Children, Divorce and the Law
  • Money and other uncomfortable truths
  • The War of attrition – The nightmare Scenario
  • Not just a lawyer – but a counsellor, giving good practical advice, not just legal knowledge.
  • Strategy and tactics for the court room
  • Ethical dilemnnas, where to draw the line.
  • Practical solutions to legal problems – Thinking outside the box.

About the Presenter: 

Dwight is an admitted member of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates and is accredited by the Legal Practitioners Council as an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa.

Before being called to the Bar, Dwight completed articles of clerkship, and attorney’s competency exams under the auspices of the Wits Law Clinic. He completed his Advocacy pupillage under the tutelage of the esteemed Adv. Louis Du Bruyn.

Though still junior within the profession, Dwight has had opportunity and success in litigation, in the High and Magistrates’ Courts of the republic, the CCMA, Disciplinary Hearings and assorted other venues and forums, and has become possessed of practical litigation experience beyond what would normally be expected from a practitioner of his age and seniority.


R 450.00 per person 

Additional material: 

By attending this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.


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