Labour Law

Labour Law Updates - The Latest Decisions that can affect you

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R0.00

Title / Topic

Labour Law Updates - The Latest Decisions that can affect you

Presenters : Andrew Goldberg , DI Gibson


Labour law is constantly going through changes and developments, from new cases to new policies and ways to deal with issues and problems. We will look at the latest developments in individual and collective labour law.

Remaining relevant and informed about labour law is crucial, and how better to do this than through the case law. South Africa has a rich and progressive history of legal precedent, and many countries make use thereof.

During this case law webinar, Andrew Goldberg co-hosted by Di Gibson from  Bev Loubser Attorneys will inform you of current and pending amendments to the labour structure brought about via the interpretation of the case law. We will consider the employment relationship. We will give you the take-home key points of the latest case law. We will also give you an insight into what type of cases will be considered and where the case law is going.

Learning objectives

By the end of this webinar the attendee should know:

To enable you to be up-to-date on the latest employment law cases. To improve your knowledge and understanding of recent case law and aid you in foreseeing where the Courts are going. Certainty and insight will be provided to you by the presenter. The latest decisions of the Court will be explained to you so that you know why the Court came to the findings that it did. You will understand the required labour case law and practices in critical areas. You will be opened up to new ways of looking at cases. No monotonous monologues but rather an insight into the facts and findings. We will enhance your knowledge of case law. The principles of Labour Law will be explained and enlightened. We will answer your questions on recent decisions and provide clarity to give you comfort and peace of mind.


The webinar will cover some or all of the following topics: 

  • Dismissals - misconduct dismissals, constructive dismissal claims; the working environment
  • Strike dismissals - the need to identify strikers before taking action;
  • Mandatory vaccinations in the workplace, Dismissal for refusing to be vaccinated;
  • Reviews - Taking an award on review; understanding the Practice Manual and time limits; the ability to review a ruling once the Arbitration Award is already out, the need to apply for condonation;
  • Retrospective reinstatement and the requirements for back pay as well as the recent issue of unjustified enrichment;
  • Posts on social media and how to deal with these, defamation and discipline;
  • Staying the enforcement of an arbitration award pending review to Labour Court; When is security payable?
  • Harassment in the workplace and management thereof; progressive discipline, sanction, inconsistency;

About the presenters

Andrew Goldberg

Andrew Goldberg has been practising for over 17 years in Labour Law, with 10 of those years in own practice. He is the holder of a Masters Degree in Labour Law. Andrew is Acting Judge of the Labour Court with two reported judgments and over a thousand appearances at the Labour Court. Andrew has the special ability to breakdown topics so that attendees can fully understand all the processes under discussion.

DI Gibson

Di is a Candidate Attorney who is currently serving articles with Bev Loubser of Bev Loubser Attorneys in the South of Johannesburg.

She is somewhat of a "late starter" when it comes to law - having embarked on her LLB degree at the age of 54 and completing it 4 years later. Di has wanted to study and practice law since the age of 11 but her late mother and High School Principal decided she would make a better teacher.

So, Di spent 30 odd years in the field of adult learning as a facilitator, course developer and eLearning specialist and then, at this ripe ole age decided to fulfill her life long passion.

Who should attend?

The following persons will benefit from this webinar:

  • Legal practitioners.
  • HR representatives.
  • Industrial relations officers.
  • Legal officers of companies.
  • Employees.
  • Workers' union officials.
  • Paralegals.
  • Law students and candidate attorneys.
  • Anyone interested in employment and labour law.



Additional material

With this webinar you will be provided with:

  • A summarised slide presentation.
  • Reference documents and/or course material where available.
  • You can ask questions during the webinar, and you will also have access to the presenter after the webinar.


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