SA Legal Academy brings you a summary of legislative developments during February 2025, which have b...
SA Legal Academy unpacks the revised White Paper on Human Settlements, which was gazetted on 31 Janu...
SA Legal Academy provides an update on the status of the SABC Bill, which is still before Parliament...
SA Legal Academy gives context to conflicting Presidency and parliamentary media statements on the s...
SA Legal Academy provides insights into the link between the recently gazetted Upstream Petroleum Re...
SA Legal Academy provides an update on the status of the Marriage Bill, which was tabled in December...
SA Legal Academy unpacks the Protection of State Information Bill, which is now before Parliament fo...
SA Legal Academy unpacks the Tobacco Products & Electronic Delivery Systems Bill, which was recently...
SA Legal Academy unpacks the National State Enterprises Bill, which is waiting to be revived by Sout...
SA Legal Academy provides context to a draft Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Bill r...
SA Legal Academy delves into the processing challenges likely to be faced as Parliament attempts to...
SA Legal Academy unpacks the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill, which was recently passed by Parlia...
Since being tabled in Parliament in November 2023, the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill has...
It seems unlikely that the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill (providing for the introduction of a two-pot...
The Companies Amendment Bill is likely to revised by the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on F...
The remitted Copyright and Performers' Protection Amendment Bills are ready to take what is expected...
The Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill has been formally tabled in Parliament with the aim of est...
Policy objectives and constitutional imperatives underpinning the recently tabled Public Procurement...