The ‘exclusive right’ of the South African Post Office (SAPO) SOC Ltd to provide reserved services i...
ICASA has called for submissions on a supplementary discussion document unpacking why, as a ‘prelimi...
The latest set of amendments to the 2014 call termination regulations has been published and is sche...
Stakeholders still have until 29 November 2024 to comment on what appears to be a draft AI policy fr...
The SABC Bill has been withdrawn in a backdated media statement from Communications & Digital Techno...
With a view to making 112 the ‘the exclusive national public emergency number’, the Independent Comm...
ICASA’s inquiry into the competitiveness of the country’s signal distribution market has identified...
Communications & Digital Technologies Minister Solly Malatsi intends clarifying his department’s pol...
Input is sought on draft mail conveyance replacement regulations informed by the findings of a recen...
As a first step in an inquiry into satellite services, ICASA has gazetted a proposed new licensing f...
The broadband regulations on pro-competitive terms and conditions have been amended, among other thi...
Open data and data interoperability are two of the key principles underpinning a recently gazetted f...
The long anticipated ‘next-generation radio frequency spectrum policy for economic development’ has...
An AI discussion document circulated at a 5 April 2024 national summit has been unceremoniously post...
A draft radio frequency migration plan has been gazetted for comment. Once finalised and implemented...
ICASA has published an inquiry findings document pointing to the development of regulatory framework...
Shortcomings in the 2009 mail conveyancing regulations are outlined in a recent findings document, w...
Recently gazetted revised schedules to the amended Films & Publications Act target pre-elections mis...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has gazetted a discussion document as the f...
Input is sought on draft amendments to the 2014 call termination regulations as the next step in a m...
ICASA is proposing more amendments to the end-user and subscriber service charter regulations, focus...
Amendments to the political party broadcasting and advertising regulations have been gazetted. They...
Film and game distributors and exhibitors have until 17 March 2024 to meet the Film & Publications B...
ICASA has reopened its December 2023 call for submissions on the impact of loadshedding on the elect...
The South African Postbank Ltd Amendment Act, 2023, will come into force on 19 February 2024 – enabl...
Postal services stakeholders have been invited to make input into the process of reviewing the perio...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has announced the next step in its signal d...
Draft amendments to the 2022 mobile broadband service regulations seek to address ‘some of the issue...
Especially given the imminent commencement of South African Social Security Agency card distribution...
An Independent Communications Authority of South Africa inquiry into the effects of loadshedding on...
Given ‘rapidly changing developments’ in the subscription television broadcasting market, the Indepe...
Draft amendments to the political party broadcast and advertisement regulations have been released f...
Once in force, a Bill now on its way to Parliament is expected to strengthen the efficiency of SABC...
The Film & Publications Board has called for input on two draft guidelines and a draft code of good...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has published eight radio frequency spectru...
The Department of Communications & Digital Technologies has called for public comments on a set of p...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has called for more stakeholder input for i...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has gazetted an amended set of regulations...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has gazetted new regulations on advertising...
The Film & Publication Board has called for input on a draft framework for accrediting films, games...
Input is sought on a draft Electronic Communications Amendment Bill intended, among other things, to...
The Department of Communications & Digital Technologies has issued a media statement on the details...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has announced the commencement of t...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has opened the lower 6GHz spectrum band to...
ICASA has amended its numbering plan regulations.
The Independent Communications Authority of SA has issued a media statement providing insight into t...
Communications & Digital Technologies Minister Mondli Gungubele has directed ICASA to prescribe regu...
ICASA has announced the commencement of an inquiry into Phase 2 of the process of developing a dynam...
ICASA has gazetted radio frequency spectrum assignment regulations for three bands, with a reasons d...
ICASA has gazetted a findings document and position paper on optimising sound broadcasting frequency...
The Electronic Communications Act licensing process and procedure regulations have been amended for...
Amendments to end-user and subscriber service charter regulations under the Electronic Communication...
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has called for input on a discussion docume...
The Competition Commission has called for input on draft terms of reference for a media and digital...
ICASA has called for further input on three draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plans.
The Film & Publications Board has gazetted draft complaints handling procedures for public comment.
Draft Film & Publications Act regulations on licensing processes and procedures have been gazetted f...
ICASA has finalised radio frequency spectrum assignment plans for several bands earmarked for compet...