Submissions are sought on the latest Division of Revenue Bill, which seeks to provide for the equita...
A ‘B’ version of the Public Service Commission Bill has been passed by the National Assembly and sen...
A recently tabled Judicial Matters Amendment Bill focuses on ‘practical and technical issues of a no...
Action SA intends tabling a new Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Amendment Bill with the aim of...
SA Legal Academy brings you key takeaways from the 2025/26 Budget speech. Our summary excludes comme...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament. There were very few developme...
In the absence of an official statement from Parliament, reasons for the sudden cancellation of the...
The DA’s Constitution 21st Amendment Bill (seeking to establish of an ‘anti-corruption commission’ a...
Analysing the DA’s Constitution 20th Amendment Bill, the Department of Justice & Constitutional Deve...
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s 2025/26 State of the Nation address included references to the tabling o...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament. There have been no developmen...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament.
As a first step in the One-Stop Border Post Bill’s parliamentary public participation process, the N...
An erroneous date in a schedule to the yet-to-be commenced Economic Regulation of Transport Act is c...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament.
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make submissions on the 2024/25 tax, rates and revenue Bil...
The Department of Health is now required to ‘substantially’ consult its social partners in NEDLAC on...
A Constitution 21st Amendment Bill recently tabled in Parliament seeks to establish an Anti-Corrupti...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, submissions are sought by two different committees on the...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament.
Nine Bills giving effect to proposals in the 2024/25 Budget have been tabled in Parliament with the...
Two DA private members’ have been revived: the Constitution 20th Amendment Bill (seeking to establis...
The National Assembly’s Health Committee will proceed with processing the Tobacco Products & Electro...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament.
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, submissions are sought on six draft tax, rates and revenu...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, written submissions are sought on a Merchant Shipping Bil...
A National Assembly resolution remedying defects in the Electoral Matters Amendment Act will soon be...
Written submissions are sought on the Older Persons Amendment Bill as the next step in what is expec...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of all Bills now before Parliament.
The DA’s Remote Gambling Bill lapsed at the end of the previous Parliament and has not yet been revi...
SA Legal Academy brings you a list of 1) Bills recently revived by Parliament, having lapsed when th...
Clarity is needed on the way forward in addressing important issues underpinning private members’ Bi...
The NCOP is scheduled to consider reviving several more Bills that lapsed at the end of the previous...
Parliament has revived the controversial Protection of State Information Bill and South African Rese...
The NCOP’s Appropriations Committee held public hearings on the latest Appropriations Bill the day b...
A raft of legislation is in the process of being developed with the aim of improving municipal and t...
Social Development Minister Nokuzola Tolashe has confirmed that the lapsed Older Persons Amendment B...
The reasons for such generalised budget departmental vote speeches are unpacked in the context of pa...
In her recent 2024/25 budget vote speech, newly appointed Women, Youth & Persons with Disabilities M...
Parliament and its National Assembly Appropriations Committee would have done well to explain why th...
Amendments to the Mineral & Petroleum Resources Development Act are being drafted with the aim, amon...
‘More in-depth discussions’ are planned for the 2022 draft Lower Courts and Magistrates’ Bills as th...
Areas of concern about national health insurance (NHI) implementation remain open for discussion, ac...
Only when a new Cabinet has been announced and MPs have been assigned to the National Assembly’s com...
Parliament has determined the number of seats parties represented in the National Assembly will occu...
SA Legal Academy brings you up to date with the status of Bills still being processed when Parliamen...
The General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill and Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill were among si...
Several changes that could have been made to the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill will be re...
The NCOP has passed the Railway Safety Bill, which is now ready to be sent to the President for sign...
The Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill has been passed by the NCOP, with recommended changes requir...
The Divorce Amendment Bill has been signed into law, safeguarding the interests of women and childre...
The National Assembly of South Africa's sixth democratic Parliament has reconvened for a brief secon...
SA Legal Academy brings you up to date with the status of Bills still being processed in Parliament...
The National Assembly’s Human Settlements Committee has endorsed changes to the Housing Consumer Pro...
Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the South African National Water Resources I...
The Climate Change Bill has been passed by the NCOP and sent to the President for signature, along w...
If adopted at the NCOP's next plenary, a revised Pension Funds Amendment Bill will need to be sent b...
Written submissions are sought on matters extending the scope of the General Intelligence Laws Amend...
The DA is calling for input on the contents of a Constitution 21st Amendment Bill to establish and s...
The DA's Dean Macpherson has tabled a Remote Gambling Bill for processing by the National Assembly’s...
The DA's Municipal Structures Amendment Bill and Municipal Structures Second Amendment Bill have bee...
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make written submissions on the General Intelligence Laws...
A draft Immigration Amendment Bill and two draft Municipal Structures Amendment Bills have been subm...
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make submissions on the Pension Funds Amendment Bill, whic...
SA Legal Academy brings you up to date with the status of Bills still being processed in Parliament.
By the end of its pre-election sittings, the National Assembly will have passed nine key Bills. Eigh...
Parliament has passed the Electoral Matters Amendment Bill, Companies Amendment Bill, Companies Seco...
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make submissions on the National Nuclear Regulator Amendme...
Parliament has passed the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Bill. Once i...
Changes to the Expropriation Bill proposed by the NCOP committee concerned have been endorsed by the...
Written submissions are sought on two section 76 Bills affecting the provinces: the Electricity Regu...
The Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill now with the NCOP is ‘in line with electricity reforms’ to...
The scope of the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill is likely to be extended to provide for ‘t...
Written submissions are sought on the Deeds Registries Amendment Bill and the Preservation & Develop...
NCOP committees will continue working until 3 May 2024 – with 21 May 2024 earmarked for a final NCOP...
No further changes have been made to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill...
If endorsed by the NCOP, amendments to the Expropriation Bill proposed by its committee will need to...
A recent call from the NCOP’s Health & Social Services Committee for submissions on the Statistics A...
The NCOP has passed the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Amendment Bill. Once signed into law an...
The controversial Electoral Matters Amendment Bill has been passed by the National Assembly and sent...
Bills intended to curb gender-based violence and facilitate youth development are ready to be passed...
Revised versions of the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill and National Nuclear Regulator Amendme...
Once enacted and in force, a Bill now ready to leave Parliament will facilitate the establishment of...
The Electoral Matters Amendment Bill is ready to be passed by the National Assembly and sent to the...
The revised Revenue Laws Amendment Bill will be the focus of a final round of parliamentary hearings...
Parliament has passed the Copyright Amendment Bill, the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill, the E...
SA Legal Academy spreadsheet reflecting the status of Bills now before Parliament.
Parliament has passed the Eskom Debt Relief Amendment Bill, Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill and D...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, submissions are sought on the Second Adjustments Appropri...
The Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill is ready to be passed by Parliament. Once operationalised it...
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make input on the South African Post Offices SOC Ltd Amend...
Four Bills tabled in Parliament with the 2024/25 Budget include the Gold & Foreign Exchange Continge...
As happens routinely each year after the Budget speech, Parliaments two Finance Committees have call...
Possibly in anticipation of a first round of parliamentary hearings, submissions are sought on the S...
In his Budget speech for 2024/25, among other things Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced gov...
Parliament has passed the Municipal Fiscal Powers & Functions Amendment Bill, which has been sent to...
Submissions are sought on a ‘B’ version of the Railway Safety Bill now before the NCOP. Tabled in Ma...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Finance has...
The Copyright and Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills’ ‘F’ versions are ready for second readings...
Two Bills intended to address matters related to public service and administration are ready for sec...
A Divorce Amendment Bill (seeking to protect the interests of a Muslim marriage’s dependent and mino...
Stakeholders have been granted a further ten days to make written submissions on the Public Procurem...
Joint National Assembly and NCOP committee meetings on the Electoral Matters Amendment Bill tend to...
Three new Bills were tabled in Parliament during January 2024, bringing the total number of proposed...
A Pension Funds Amendment Bill has been tabled in Parliament with the aim of providing for ‘the tax...
Stakeholders have another opportunity to make submissions on the Public Procurement Bill before it i...
The National State Enterprises Bill and Repeal of South African Airways (SAA) Bill have been tabled...
Parliament’s pre-elections committee meetings schedule is filling up, with NCOP committees likely to...
Stakeholders have been granted more time to make written submissions on the Basic Education Laws Ame...
Written submissions are sought on a revised National Youth Development Agency Amendment Bill among o...
Contrary to claims in a recent TechCentral article, the revised Copyright Amendment Bill is still be...
During public hearings on the Tobacco Products & Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill in Tshwane...
Bills yet to be finalised by Parliament’s National Assembly and NCOP committees.
Written submissions are sought on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, which is underpinned...
The revised National Small Enterprises Amendment Bill recently passed by the National Assembly and s...
The two Companies Amendment Bills are likely to be the focus of another round of parliamentary heari...
In anticipation of a first round of parliamentary hearings on the recently tabled Electoral Matters...
A Marriage Bill intended to ‘rationalise’ existing legislation on ‘various types of marriages’ has b...
A draft Marriage Bill recognising all religious and traditional belief systems has been submitted to...
Bills still being processed by Parliament when it closed for the 2023 festive season
The Statistics Amendment Bill must be passed by the National Assembly and the NCOP before it is read...
In anticipation of a final round of parliamentary hearings next year on the Independent Police Inves...
The NCOP has passed three transport Bills, two of which have been amended and will require National...
The 2023/24 tax Bills have completed their passage through Parliament and are now waiting to be sign...
Stakeholders have a final opportunity to make written submissions on the National Prosecuting Author...
The National Health Insurance Bill, Regulation of Interception of Communications & Provision of Comm...
Four more Bills were expected to be passed by the National Assembly during its final sitting for 202...
The National Assembly’s order paper for its penultimate sitting in 2023 includes four more Bills for...
The National Assembly is expected to pass a materially revised Public Procurement Bill during its fi...
Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s proposals for a compromise two-pot retirement savings system imp...
Changes to the Expropriation Bill proposed by some provincial legislatures are still being considere...
Written submissions are sought on the National Council on Gender-based Violence & Femicide Bill’s ‘B...
A recent Democratic Alliance media statement on the rejection of MP Bridget Masango’s Children’s Ame...
The Regulation of Interception of Communications & Provision of Communication-related Information Am...
SA Legal Academy's updated spreadsheet on the status of Bills now before Parliament (30 November 202...
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make submissions on the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill...
The Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill is ready for a second reading in the...
Seven more Bills – including those dealing with tax and company law – are on their way to the NCOP,...
The Correctional Services Amendment Bill and Division of Revenue Amendment Bill have completed their...
The Presidency’s latest report on progress with implementing recommendations emerging from the Zondo...
Stakeholders have another opportunity to make submissions on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill...
All changes to the Prevention & Combating of Hate Crimes & Hate Speech proposed by the NCOP have bee...
The 2018 State Liability Amendment Bill having been declared ‘undesirable’ by the National Assembly’...
In anticipation of NCOP committee hearings next year, written submissions are sought on the Climate...
The South African Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Bill and Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority...
The 1 March 2025 two-pot retirement savings system implementation date has not been changed, contrar...
Revised versions of the Companies Amendment Bill and Companies Second Amendment Bill are ready for a...
The National Veld & Forest Fire Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version and a ‘B’ version of the Agricultural P...
The National Health Insurance Bill is poised to leave Parliament soon, the NCOP committee concerned...
National Treasury has proposed significant changes to the Public Procurement Bill's chapter on prefe...
Written submissions are sought on the South African Broadcasting Corporation SOC Ltd Bill, which amo...
The Companies Amendment Bill will not be changed to provide for gender-related pay disclosure and re...
Submissions are sought on the Regulation of Interception of Communications & Provision of Communicat...
The National Assembly has passed four more Bills, including the RICA Amendment Bill, the Divorce Ame...
In anticipation of a final round of parliamentary hearings on the Housing Consumer Protection Bill,...
Monitoring the treatment of people in detention will not be added to the Independent Police Investig...
The NCOP Committee on Security & Justice has proposed changes to the Prevention & Combating of Hate...
Parliament’s appropriations committees have called for submissions on the Eskom Debt Relief Amendmen...
Written submissions are sought on a Statistics Amendment Bill intended to ‘strengthen co-ordination...
Written submissions are sought on a revised version of the Judicial Matters Amendment Bill, which am...
Written submissions are sought on the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, Division of Revenue Amend...
Tax and revenue Bills reflecting proposals in the 2023/24 Budget and since revised have been tabled,...
A presentation document accompanying the 2023 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement summarises key poi...
SA Legal Academy's latest spreadsheet tracking the status of Bills now before Parliament
Written submissions are sought on the Correctional Services Amendment Bill, which is now before the...
Having been passed by the National Assembly, ‘B’ versions of the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill...
National Treasury is proposing that the two-pot retirement savings system implementation be deferred...
Once operationalised, a revised Railway Safety Bill recently passed by the National Assembly and sen...
A revised Climate Change Bill now before the NCOP for concurrence includes strengthened provisions f...
Input is sought on two more DA private members’ Bills – a draft Local Government: Municipal Structur...
Parliamentary papers have confirmed the withdrawal of EFF leader Julius Malema’s Relocation of the...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, written submissions are sought on the National Small Ente...
The Public Service Commission (PSC) Bill and Statistics Amendment Bill have been formally introduced...
A South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) SOC Ltd Bill has been tabled in Parliament with the...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, written submissions are sought on the South African Natio...
A Statistics Amendment Bill expected to be tabled soon in Parliament seeks to rectify aspects of the...
SA Legal Academy's latest spreadsheet tracking the status of Bills now before Parliament.
In an unusual move, Parliament has published papers that include minority views on the revised Basic...
Written submissions are sought on proposals for using the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill to addr...
During the first leg of its passage through Parliament, the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill...
A revised Climate Change Bill is awaiting the approval of the National Assembly before being sent to...
A revised Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill is now waiting to be passed by the National...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings on the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill, the...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, submissions are sought on the Electricity Regulation Amen...
Submissions are sought on the Regulation of Interception of Communications & Provision of Communicat...
The National Assembly’s Police Committee has called for written submissions on the Independent Polic...
The National Assembly’s Basic Education Committee has concluded its work on an amendment Bill among...
The National Assembly’s Justice & Correctional Services Committee has competed its work on the Judic...
The scope of the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill is set to be extended to respond to a Constituti...
The Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement will be tabled in Parliament on 1 November 2023, with three...
The recently tabled National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Amendment Bill may only be a temporary inte...
The National Assembly’s Justice & Correctional Services Committee is concerned about the limited tim...
The National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill has been tabled in Parliament with the aim of maki...
The National Assembly’s Trade & Industry Committee has called for written submissions on two Compani...
A draft National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill recently submitted to Parliament seeks to ensu...
The Regulation of Interception of Communications & Provision of Communication-related Information Am...
SA Legal Academy has published the latest updated version of a comprehensive table reflecting all Bi...
The Companies Amendment Bill and Companies Second Amendment Bill have been tabled in Parliament, amo...
Intended to align the Act with International Atomic Energy Agency best practices, among other things...
Among other things, the recently tabled South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency...
The South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Ltd Bill and National Nuclear R...
Stakeholders have been given more time to prepare written submissions on the National Health Insuran...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Finance has...
The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Finance has called for written submissions on the Publ...
The National Assembly’s Basic Education Committee has concluded clause-by-clause deliberations on th...
The draft Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament in July 2023 has now been ce...
Three National Assembly committees have met during the long winter recess to work on Bills possibly...
Media statements on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill point to fundamental disagreements betwe...
Stakeholders have one more opportunity to make written submissions on the Municipal Powers & Functio...
In anticipation of parliamentary hearings on the recently tabled Divorce Amendment Bill, the Nationa...
In anticipation of the next found of public hearings on the National Health Insurance Bill, the NCOP...
Several National Assembly and provincial legislature committees have used the winter recess to condu...
SA Legal Academy Policy Watch explains the steps taken when a Cabinet-approved Bill is sent to Parli...
The Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill recently featured in parliamentary papers is a draft, whic...
SA Legal Academy has compiled a spreadsheet on the status of all Bills now before Parliament.
A Divorce Amendment Bill has been tabled in Parliament to ensure that Muslim marriages are recognise...
The Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill has finally been tabled in Parliamen...
In a recent media statement, the National Planning Commission urged Deputy President Paul Mashatile...
The DA’s Bridget Masango has tabled a Children’s Amendment Bill with the intention of regulating ‘mi...
The DA’s Glynnis Breytenbach has tabled a Constitution 20th Amendment Bill, the purpose of which is...
The National Assembly’s Transport Committee has called for submissions on the Marine Oil Pollution (...
The long-awaited Public Procurement Bill has finally been tabled in Parliament, paving the way for t...
The National Assembly’s Health Committee has called for written submissions on the Tobacco Products...
The DA’s Siviwe Gwarube has tabled a Constitution 19th Amendment Bill seeking to ‘limit the frequenc...
A National Small Enterprise Development Bill recently tabled in Parliament will empower the Minister...
The National Assembly’s Public Service & Administration Committee has called for written submissions...
Parliament has finally published presiding officer speaking notes on a 29 June 2023 media briefing h...
The DA’s Annelie Lotriet has tabled an Electoral Commission Amendment Bill, which seeks to provide f...
Parliament has passed the Eskom Debt Relief Bill, which has been sent to President Cyril Ramaphosa f...
The National Assembly’s Health Committee has called for written submissions on the Tobacco Products...
The South African Postbank Ltd Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version has been endorsed by the NCOP and sent t...
Parliament has passed a ‘B’ version of the Financial Matters Amendment Bill and sent it to the Presi...
The Democratic Alliance is preparing a Performing Animals Protection Amendment Bill to facilitate ac...
The National Assembly has passed a ‘B’ version of the National Health Insurance Bill, which will be...
An explanatory summary of the long-awaited Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bi...
The Correctional Services Amendment Bill is now available, responding to a December 2020 Constitutio...
In anticipation of a final round of public hearings, the NCOP Committee on Finance has called for su...
The Department of Correctional Services has announced the imminent tabling of an amendment Bill resp...
In anticipation of a second reading on the National Health Insurance Bill, a report has been tabled...
Once enacted and operationalised, among other things a Public Service Amendment Bill recently tabled...
National Treasury has gazetted an explanatory summary of the Public Procurement Bill, which is expec...
The NCOP Committee on Public Enterprises & Communication has called for written submission on the So...
The Transkeian Penal Code Bill has completed its passage through Parliament and is now waiting to b...
The Constitution 18th Amendment Bill (making South African Sign Language an official language) is re...
The National Health Insurance Bill is finally nearing the end of the first leg of its passage throug...
The National Assembly’s Justice & Correctional Services Committee has called for written submissions...
The National Assembly has passed the Constitution 18th Amendment Bill, which will now be considered...
The National Assembly Committee on Women, Youth & Persons with Disabilities has called for input on...
Two more DA Bills have been tabled in Parliament: A Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Amendment...
The National Assembly Committee on Women, Youth & Persons with Disabilities has published a notice c...
A Bill making South African Sign Language the country's 12th official language is ready for a second...
A ‘B’ version of the Housing Consumer Protection Bill has been passed by the National Assembly and s...
The NCOP Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources & Energy has called for written su...
A ‘B’ version of the Prevention & Combating of Hate Crimes & Hate Speech Bill has been passed by the...
Parliament's two Appropriations Committees have called for written submissions on the Second Adjustm...
The Repeal of the Transkeian Penal Code Bill is now open for a final round of public comments.
The Financial Matters Amendment Bill now open for public comment among other things seeks to amend l...
The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Finance has called for input on the Municipal Fiscal P...
The South African Postbank Ltd Amendment Bill and the Repeal of the Transkeian Penal Code Bill have...
Parliament has passed the Electoral Amendment Bill, which is on its way to the President for signatu...
Four Bills have been tabled in the National Assembly with the 2023 Budget.
The 2023 Budget speech has been published, with related documents.
The National Assembly has passed the Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill and the National...
A 'D' version of the Electoral Amendment Bill reflecting NCOP recommendations has been tabled in the...
Input is sought on the contents of a Bill to empower premiers to call a provincial referendum.
Progress is expected to be made this year with three key pieces of legislation, according to the 202...
The Electoral Amendment Bill has almost completed its passage through Parliament.
Parliament is calling for written submissions on the Constitution 18th Amendment Bill, which propose...
The Constitutional Court has given Parliament until 28 February 2023 to complete its work on the Ele...
The DA is drafting amendments to the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act and has called for in...
The Constitutional Court has given Parliament until 31 January 2023 to finalise the Bil, allowing th...
Parliament calls for public comments on the Performers' Protection Amendment Bill
Parliament calls for public comment on the Copyright Amendment Bill and Performers Protection Amendm...
Parliament plans to approach the Constitutional Court for an extension to the deadline for amending...
A Divorce Amendment Bill has been tabled.
The Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist & Related Activities Bill’s ‘B’ version...
The Traditional Affairs General Amendment Bill has been tabled in Parliament.
The Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority Bill has been tabled.
A National Youth Development Agency Amendment Bill has been tabled in Parliament.