Recently gazetted new regulations and amendments to existing regulations under the VAT Act affect ca...
Stakeholders now have more time to comment on an alcoholic beverages tax discussion paper intended t...
Discussion documents on three sets of tax policy proposals have been released for public comment. Th...
National Treasury has called for technical tax proposals for possible inclusion in Annexure C of the...
In anticipation of the 2024 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement and the tabling of 2024 Budget-relat...
Amendments to the April 2015 regulations on the clinical trial-related scientific or technological r...
Provisions for offsets in the Carbon Tax Act regulations have been amended to make 31 December 2025...
National Treasury has issued a document clarifying proposals in this year’s Income Tax Amendment Bil...
National Treasury has invited ‘taxpayers, tax practitioners and members of the public’ to participat...
In anticipation of tabling the latest tax and revenue Bills in Parliament on 1 November 2023, Nation...
National Treasury has called for input on draft tax Bills and regulatory amendments that, once opera...
National Treasury has gazetted a notice affecting the Income Tax Act's Schedule 2, which deals with...
Input is sought on a draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, which proposes ‘two specific tax amendments...
SARS has repealed and replaced the Tax Administration Act dispute resolution rules in force since 20...
National Treasury has called for input on tax emption proposals in respect of bulk payments made by...
The applicability date for the definition of international tax standard has been postponed.
National Treasury has published a draft Rates & Monetary Amounts & Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill fo...