Input is sought on draft guidelines intended to clarify the Competition Commission’s confidentiality...
Daft guidelines on internal restructuring under the Competition Act have been released for public co...
The ‘serious injury’ experienced by flat-rolled iron and steel producers in the South African Custom...
Following a nearly two-year inquiry into the fresh produce market, the Competition Commission has ga...
The Competition Commission’s draft guidelines on price-cost margin calculation have been published f...
The Democratic Alliance intends tabling a revised version of the Remote Gambling Bill introduced in...
The Consumer Protection Act regulations on pre-emptively blocking direct marketing are being amended...
Key sections of the Companies Amendment Act and the Second Amendment Act in its entirety could be op...
The ferrous and non-ferrous waste and scrap export control guidelines are being reviewed with the ai...
The September 2022 Constitutional Court deadline for remedying defects in the Copyright Act looms la...
The deadline input on draft vertical restraints regulations under the Competition Act, 1998, has bee...
The November 2023 draft regulations on scrap metal dealings under the Second-hand Goods Act have bee...
Sector-specific masterplan implementation, re-industrialisation and economic transformation have bee...
Input is sought on draft guidelines intended to assist merger parties when structuring and notifying...
The automotive production and development programme’s second phase legislative framework is being am...
Port and rail sector industries could soon benefit from a block exemption enabling collaborative act...
Shortcomings in municipal fresh produce markets nationwide lie at the heart of several key provision...
Draft regulations under the Competition Act's section 5 on restrictive vertical practices have been...
A recently gazetted block exemption under the Competition Act will enable qualifying small and mediu...
A master plan for the medical technology sector has been launched with the intention of improving in...
A recently published review of sixth administration industrial policy includes fifteen ‘anchor inter...
The Competition Commission has extended the deadline for input on proposed amendments to guidelines...
Trade, Industry & Competition Minister Ebrahim Patel has approved an International Trade Administrat...
Draft terms of reference have been gazetted in anticipation of a Competition Commission inquiry into...
Two sets of guidelines have been gazetted under the Competition Act. One deals with merger control i...
The Competition Commission intends conducting an inquiry into the entire poultry market value chain...
Contrary to a claims in a recent Business Day opinion piece, the Intellectual Property Laws Amendmen...
Input is sought on draft guidelines intended to assist potential merger parties in a hostile transac...
The Office of the United States Trade Representative has published a list confirming that South Afri...
Input is sought on draft regulations setting out the process for requesting a non-binding advisory o...
The Competition Commission has called for input on a further statement of issues to be explored duri...
The Electric Vehicles White Paper released on 4 December 2023 at a press briefing has neither been g...
Temporary control measures intended to curb copper and ferrous metal theft are likely to be extended...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition has issued a media statement making no reference to...
A statement of issues to be explored during the Competition Commission’s media and digital platforms...
The Competition Commission is in the process of amending its merger control public interest guidelin...
The terms of reference for a Competition Commission inquiry into the media and digital platforms mar...
The Competition Commission’s has published its latest essential food pricing monitoring report, whic...
Explanatory summaries have been gazetted for two Bills proposing amendments to the Companies Act and...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition has announced the imminent introduction of anti-dump...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition’s scrap metal preferential pricing and export contro...
The Competition Commission has published a final report on its online intermediation platforms marke...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition has called for input on proposals intended to close...
Cabinet has approved the Companies Amendment Bill for tabling in Parliament, possibly paving the way...
The Competition Commission has been granted until 31 July 2023 to complete its market inquiry into o...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition is considering extending a 2013 policy directive on...
The ban on exporting certain types of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and waste metal has been extende...
A Companies Amendment Bill dealing with the ‘disclosure of wage differentials’ will be submitted to...
New Competition Act regulations have been gazetted to provide for Tribunal rules on market inquiry a...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition has announced several measures intended to ease elec...
The Companies Act regulations have been aligned with General Laws (Anti-Money Laundering & Combating...
The Competition Commission now has until 30 June 2023 to complete and report on its online intermedi...
Input is sought on the possible extension of a temporary ban on scrap metal exports and the temporar...
The Department of Trade, Industry & Competition has called for input on draft terms of reference for...
The Competition Commission's fresh produce market inquiry will begin on 31 March 2023.
Draft amendments to the Companies Act regulations have been gazetted for comment.
Draft regulations under the Competition Act have been gazetted for comment.
The Competition Commission has gazetted guidelines on the exchange of competitively sensitive inform...
The panel responsible for a Competition Commission online intermediation platform market inquiry has...
A new deadline has been set for the release of a report on the Competition Commission's online inter...
The terms of reference have been gazetted for an imminent Competition Commission inquiry into the fr...
B-BBEE legal sector code of good practice
The Companies Amendment Bill could be tabled in Parliament this year.