Input is sought on a proposed amendment to the uniform rule of court affecting attorneys’ fee taxes...
The Rules Board for Courts of Law has called for comments on draft amendments to rules affecting the...
Input is sought on draft rules for the Children’s Court, which have been developed to address differ...
In the context of Promotion of Access to Information requirements as they affect court proceedings,...
Substantive amendments have been made to rules affecting the Supreme Court of Appeal, provincial and...
Input is sought on draft amendments to courts of law Uniform Rule 70 that could see certain items in...
A proposed amendment to the Magistrates’ Courts rules on pleadings has been released for public comm...
Once in force, two proposed new uniform rules recently published for public comment will prescribe t...
The Magistrates’ and Superior Courts Rules on the discovery, inspection and production of documents...
The Rules Board for Courts of Law has proposed amendments to sections of the Magistrates Courts Rule...
Recently gazetted amendments to rules regulating the conduct of proceedings in the Magistrates’ and...
Recently gazetted adjustments to the remuneration packages of judges and magistrates came into effec...
Input is sought on proposed amendments to the rules on determining a sheriff’s fee for servicing Mag...
The Department of Justice & Constitutional Development has published a determination on benefits due...
The Judges Remuneration & Conditions of Employment Act regulations on leave, travel allowances and r...
The Rules Board for Courts of Law has called for input on draft amendments to Uniform Rule 46A, whic...
The Rules Board for Courts of Law has gazetted amendments to the Supreme Court, High Court and Magis...
The Rules Board for Courts of Law has called for comments on the possible removal of ‘colour photogr...
Amendments have been made to rules regulating the conduct of proceedings in Magistrates’ Courts, foc...
New rules for the Small Claims Courts came into effect on 1 April 2023.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has officially begun the process of appointing a new Judge President of th...