Written submissions are sought on the National State Enterprises Bill, which seeks to provide for th...
In keeping with a commitment included in his 30 June 2024 speech on GNU Cabinet appointments, Presid...
A draft National State Enterprises Bill and draft Repeal of the South African Airways Bill are on th...
The latest Operation Vulindlela report on progress with economic reforms highlights increased privat...
Input is sought on a draft Bill repealing the South African Airways Act, which responds to recent de...
A draft National State Enterprises Bill has been gazetted for public comment as the next step in ‘co...
A National Treasury instruction note issued in December 2022 to public sector accountants and audito...
The Eskom Debt Relief Bill and South African Postbank Ltd Amendment Bill are ready to be passed by t...
National Treasury has announced that it will not grant Eskom a partial exemption from disclosing irr...
A South African Post Office SOC Ltd (SAPO) Amendment Bill has been tabled in Parliament with the aim...
The NCOP’s Appropriations Committee has called for written submissions on the Eskom Debt Relief Bill...
The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Appropriations has called for submissions on the Eskom...
National Treasury has called for input on proposals for exempting Eskom from certain reporting oblig...
A National Treasury document presented at a joint meeting of several National Assembly committees ha...
A national state of disaster has been declared to enable goverment to take the emergency steps neces...