Input is sought on a national payment system discussion document and two related draft directives. A...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on interim proposals emerging from the J...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has called for input at exceptionally short notice on proposed ame...
The Prudential Authority has called for public comments on two Banks Act draft directives. One focus...
Input is sought on draft changes to the JSE rules on trading member access. They include a definitio...
The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has published a revised Chapter 4 of the 2017 note on risk m...
Input is sought on draft amendments to Schedule 2 of the 2022 Financial Sector & Deposit Insurance L...
Input is sought by the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) on a revised draft public communication i...
Input is sought on two draft directives: one to be issued under the Banks Act, and the other to be i...
A Financial Intelligence Centre scheduled to come into force in April 2025 has implications for tran...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority’s fee and levy proposals for 2025/26 have been released for p...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on proposed amendments to JSE equities r...
National Treasury intends amending the Financial Sector & Deposit Insurance Levies Act’s Schedule 1,...
In anticipation of coming into force on 1 October 2024, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority has p...
Stakeholders wishing to object to the latest draft amendment to JSE listing requirements have 14 day...
Input is sought on the latest version of draft amendments to regulations under the Banks Act intende...
Schedules 2 and 3 of the Financial Sector & Deposit Insurance Levies Act have been amended by notice...
Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) guidelines on identifying and verifying beneficial owners have b...
Proposals affecting Prudential Authority levies and fees for its performance of functions during the...
Input is sought on draft determinations proposing a caveat to the definition of ‘index’ in the Finan...
In anticipation the two-pot retirement savings system's commencement on 1 September 2024, a National...
Proposed tax exemption conditions for legacy retirement annuity policies under the two-pot retiremen...
Input is sought on a draft market fragmentation framework that, once finalised, will be incorporated...
Commercial banks contributing to the Johannesburg interbank average rate determination process are n...
The Financial Services Ombud Council has replaced rules in force since 2003 – among other things cre...
Input is sought on proposed adjustments to levies imposed in terms of the Financial Sector & Deposit...
A draft compliance communication released in December 2023 for comment has been revised for further...
Input is sought on a revised draft directive specifying ‘minimum requirements relating to the defini...
Input is sought on a draft joint standard for the recovery plans of market infrastructures. Its purp...
Proposed amendments to the JSE’s equities rules on trading member market access have been released f...
Co-operative banks are now exempt from certain prevailing minimum prudential and large exposure requ...
The 2024 health and accident insurance policy benefit escalations have been published – in keeping w...
In anticipation of replacing the existing standard on liquidity risk management in the insurance ind...
Input is sought on proposals for revising the 2020 joint standard on margin requirements for non-cen...
The SARB has issued a directive on national payment system cybersecurity. In force from mid-August 2...
Input is sought on draft amendments seeking to align the 2019 conduct standard on conditions for ama...
Input is sought on a draft directive imposing a ‘travel rule’ on accountable institutions engaging i...
Input is sought on a draft directive prescribing the fund liquidity contribution of a mutual bank to...
Input is sought on a revised conduct standard for all market infrastructures licensed under the Fina...
The latest Financial Intelligence Centre compliance communication focuses on risks faced by high-val...
Input is sought on a draft directive prescribing additional requirements to be met by banks in the c...
Certain sections of the Financial Sector Regulation Amendment Act, 2021, will soon come into effect...
Deposit insurance regulations and monthly data submission requirements have been gazetted and will c...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has issued guidelines for accountable institutions on implementing...
Subject to certain conditions, micro insurers are now exempt from the long-term insurance policyhold...
National Treasury has issued a policy statement on financial sector ombud reforms that will require...
Independent insurance industry intermediaries will continue to be exempt from certain regulatory req...
Collective investment scheme managers are now exempt from certain hedge fund determination requireme...
Proposed amendments to the JSE equities rules for Krugerrands dealings were eventually released for...
Input is sought on a draft directive proposing ‘minimum regulatory requirements relating to … deposi...
A private member’s Bill being prepared for tabling in Parliament seeks to amend the Long-term Insura...
Guidelines have been issued for banks and their controlling companies with the intention of ensuring...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on a draft directive setting out instructions for iden...
Input is sought on a discussion paper exploring ‘the necessity, feasibility, scope and design featur...
From 1 January 2026, banks could be required to ‘maintain a positive cycle-neutral countercyclical c...
A financial inclusion policy framework has been published with the intention of facilitating individ...
Input is sought on draft amendments to JSE listing and debt listing equity requirements informed by...
The recently published draft conduct standard for collective investment scheme managers is proposed...
Draft targeted financial sanctions compliance guidelines under the Financial Intelligence Centre Act...
Input is sought on a draft compliance communication dealing with beneficial ownership in the context...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority intends pursuing plans for the introduction of a holistic app...
A draft directive affecting auditors' reporting requirements under the Banks Act regulations has bee...
Financial sector IT governance and risk management are the focus of a new standard in force from 15...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on a discussion document exploring the s...
A recently published report on corruption in South Africa explores ways in which financial instituti...
Input is sought on proposals for the criteria to be met by external central counterparties and trade...
Input is sought on proposed amendments to the JSE derivatives rules affecting exchange-for-risk tran...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority intends exempting micro insurers from the long-term insurance...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on two draft directives intended to strengthen operati...
Money laundering and terrorist financing control regulations are to be aligned with Protection of Pe...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on proposals for an equivalence framewor...
Input is sought on two sets of Prudential Authority regulatory proposals affecting the banking indus...
Proposed adjustments to fees and levies imposed by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority have been...
The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has published guidelines on interpreting the term ‘trust and...
More sections of the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act, 2017, came into effect on 18 Augus...
Input is sought on a draft replacement interpretation ruling dealing with the payment of unclaimed b...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on proposals for removing auditor accred...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on four draft guidance notes intended to assist banks...
The Prudential Authority intends issuing a directive requiring local systemically important banks (S...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on proposed amendments to the liquidity risk return fo...
The Prudential Authority has issued a guidance note adjusting the anticipated implementation dates o...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has released a draft position paper on open finance.
The Prudential Authority has called for input on a draft credit risk reporting directive specifying...
National Treasury has called for input on draft regulations setting out the administrative and proce...
The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has issued a communication on what is meant by the term ‘cry...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on approved banking industry external credit rating ag...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on a draft directive requiring every co-operative fina...
The 2020 standard on margin requirements for non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivative trans...
The South African Reserve Bank has issued a ruling on interpreting and applying sections of the Fina...
Input is sought on more draft amendments to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange rules.
The Prudential Authority is calling for input on draft directive requiring domestic systemically imp...
The health and accident insurance benefit annual escalation tables have been published.
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has issued a communication announcing a new conduct standard...
The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has published a guidance note on electronic fund transfers.
The Prudential Authority has called for stakeholder comments on two draft directives to be issued un...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on draft amendments to various sets of r...
South Africa’s ‘first deposit insurance body’ has been established as a statutory body and subsidiar...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on a draft minimum standard for financia...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has gazetted two directives on the risk and compliance returns to...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has issued a directive requiring all accountable institutions to s...
The FSCA has called for input on a draft conduct standard for reporting and disclosing short sales.
The Prudential Authority has called for comments on a draft directive dealing with reporting require...
The FSCA has published a final strategy for promoting transformation across South Africa’s financial...
National Treasury has announced commencement dates for more sections of the Financial Sector Regulat...
National Treasury has announced commencement dates for three pieces of financial sector legislation.
The Prudential Authority has called for comments on a draft directive dealing with ‘threshold amount...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on two sets of draft amendments to Johan...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority has called for input on proposed amendments to a 2014 determi...
The international Financial Action Task Force has grey-listed South Africa.
The Prudential Authority has identified which previously issued Banks Act guidance notes are still e...
The Prudential Authority has called for input on a draft directive intended to introduce additional...
The Prudential Authority is revising its 2017 directive on ‘the regulatory treatment of accounting p...
The managers of collective investment schemes are now exempt from some requirements affecting amalga...
The JSE has approved amendments to four sets of rules.
Pension Funds Act Regulation 33 will be repealed on 20 February 2023.
A derivative products market conventions working paper has been published for public comment.
Draft amendments to the Strate (Pty) Ltd rules have been released for comment.
National Treasury has gazetted further amendments to the 2001 money laundering regulations.
Sections 31 and 56 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001, as amended, will come into force...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has called for input on revised draft guidelines for reporting on...
Draft regulations under the Trust Property Control Act have been released for public comment.
The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has issued a reference guide intended to assist accountable...
The Financial Intelligence Centre has called for input on six sets of draft guidelines for accountab...
Representatives of the international Financial Action Task Force (FATF) will be updated this week on...
National Treasury has amended several key Banks Act regulations affecting governance and risk manage...
The Financial Sector Conduct and Prudential Authorities have called for input on a revised draft cyb...
Parliament has completed its work on two anti-terrorism Bills.
To new Acts imposing levies on regulated financial institutions have been gazetted but are not yet i...
The code of conduct for financial service providers had been amended.
Schedules 1, 2 and 3 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act have been amended.
Financial Intelligence Centre Act schedules: Call for public comments
Gone to zero: The rise and fall of UST and why we need regulation in the crypto space
More draft amendments to the JSE's debt listings requirements