From 1 April 2025, certain provisions in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act will no longer apply...
Newly regulations under the Occupational Health & Safety Act have been gazetted, focusing on physica...
From 1 March 2025, the national minimum wage for every ordinary hour worked will be R28.79. It will...
A draft code of good practice for dismissals under the Labour Relations Act, 1996, has been gazetted...
The National Minimum Wage Commission has gazetted a report recommending an adjustment rate of CPI pl...
The Employment Equity Amendment Act will come into force on 1 January 2025, among other things makin...
In anticipation of possible adjustments to the national minimum wage, input is sought as a first ste...
The Department of Employment & Labour has embarked on a series of nationwide workshops intended to ‘...
Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court rules gazetted in May 2024 will come into force on 17 July 2024...
Proposed new regulations under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act include pro...
New rules to regulate the conduct of proceedings in the Labour Court and the Labour Appeal Court hav...
Hazardous chemical agents regulations in force since March 2021 under the Occupational Health & Safe...
From 1 April 2024, a new earnings threshold will apply to certain provisions in the Basic Conditions...
The Department of Employment & Labour has issued a media statement tending to suggest that the Compe...
The national minimum wage has been increased by just over R2 per hour – effective from 1 March 2024...
In anticipation of the commencement of the Employment Equity Amendment Act, 2022, revised draft regu...
As part of ongoing investigations into possible changes in the status of certain services, the Depar...
The Department of Employment & Labour has issued a misleading media statement among other things cla...
Input is ought on a proposed CPI plus 0.75% adjustment to the national minimum wage.
A revised version of the May 2023 draft employment equity regulations is being prepared and will be...
The South African Law Reform Commission has published a report recommending the extension of materni...
The Department of Employment & Labour has issued a media statement drawing attention to National Min...
The Department of Employment & Labour has issued a media statement referring to several ‘justifiable...
The National Minimum Wage Commission has begun its next annual review and is calling for written sub...
In a written reply to questions from EFF Western Cape delegate to the NCOP, Mbule Magwala, Employmen...
The Department of Employment & Labour has issued a media statement reminding employers of exemption...
The Department of Employment & Labour has called for comments on draft regulations for rehabilitatio...
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation & Arbitration has issued a directive on dealing with an a...
Draft regulations intended to operationalise the controversial Employment Equity Amendment Act have...
Employment & Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi has confirmed that the Temporary Employer-Employee Relief...
According to its latest report, the National Minimum Wage Commission’s medium-term target is that ‘t...
A Public Administration Management Amendment Bill recently tabled in Parliament seeks to introduce...
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation & Arbitration has updated its rules on the conduct of pro...
The Employment Equity Amendment Bill has been signed into law.
The Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Amendment Bill, 2020, has been signed into law...
The Department of of Higher Education & Training is considering replacing the 2016 Recognition of Pr...
The Department of Employment & Labour has gazetted notices announcing increases in medical tariffs a...
The national minimum wage has been adjusted and will be in force from 1 March 2023.
The earnings threshold for working hours regulation has been adjusted.
The employment conditions and wages of community health workers could soon be the focus of a new sec...
New hazard installation regulations have been gazetted and are in force.
The Department of Employment & Labour has republished its June 2022 code of practice for managing SA...
A Bill has been tabled in Parliament with the aim of adding South African Sign Language to the list...
The National Minimum Wage Commission has called for input on a medium-term target for the minimum wa...
The National Minimum Wage Commission has called for comments on proposals for a slight upward adjust...
Managing exposure to SARS-Cov-2 in the workplace
The four-day working week and its impact on South African labour law: Are we ready?
Code of practice for managing SARS-CoV-2 in the workplace.
Addressing ‘justified’ sexual harassment in the workplace
The President has appointed Judge Owen Lloyd Rogers to the Constitutional Court.
Unpaid income differentials: A benefits dispute
Deputy Minister draws attention to clauses in the Bill often overlooked in the media