Two sets of draft regulations affecting the private security industry have been gazetted for public...
Draft regulations under the Customary Initiation Act, 2021, recently gazetted for input focus on the...
Draft regulations under the Explosives Act have been released for public comment. They include propo...
A recently gazetted mining industry guidance note focuses on managing gender-based violence, femicid...
Draft revised municipal policing standards have been released for public comment. One focuses on cro...
A Government Gazette notice announcing the commencement of regulations for national intelligence co-...
Draft amendments to regulations under the Private Security Industry Regulation Act have been gazette...
National Treasury has issued a media statement on the latest Financial Action Task Force progress re...
Proposals on money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment reporting obligations applicab...
Amendments to regulations under the Second-hand Goods Act are being proposed as part of an ongoing p...
In anticipation of being formally introduced in Parliament, the General Intelligence Laws Amendment...
The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has issued a statement tending to suggest that li...
Input is sought on a draft national policing policy intended to build on the ‘significant progress’...
The purpose of a draft General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill recently submitted to Parliament is...
Draft regulations intended to give practical effect to the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act ha...
The Private Security Regulatory Authority has called for input on draft regulations intended to ‘enh...
The DA has called for input on proposals for tabling a Constitution Amendment Bill in Parliament wit...
The Department of Police has published a revised national instruction on dealing with domestic viole...
Input is sought on draft amendments to the Non-profit Organisation Act regulations.
A draft standard for investigation, access, search and seizure has been released for comment.
The names of new appointees to the Special Tribunal have been gazetted.