The Democratic Aliance intends tabling a revised Municipal Structures Amendment Bill in Parliament a...
A draft Traditional & Khoi-San Leadership Bill gazetted for public comment seeks, among other things...
In anticipation of tabling an Intergovernmental Relations Framework Amendment Bill in Parliament, in...
Input is sought on two pieces of proposed new legislation intended to stabilise dysfunctional coalit...
Municipalities have been tasked with preparing by-laws to more effectively regulate the establishmen...
In an unusual Parliamentary committee move, the draft Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendme...
Stakeholders still have ample time to comment on a draft standard municipal by-law intended to promo...
A draft Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Bill recently released for comment proposes...
A draft Local Government: General Laws Amendment Bill recently gazetted for public comment seeks to...
The Department of Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs is preparing a ‘general laws amendme...
Input is sought on a revised draft Local Government: Municipal Structures Second Amendment Bill seek...
The Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998, is to be amended with the aim of addressing ‘t...
Proposals for more changes to the Municipal Fiscal Powers & Functions Amendment Bill could have sign...
Draft framework regulations on institutionalising the district development model have been gazetted...
The negative impact of ‘persistent political instability in the City of Johannesburg’ has underscore...
The Presidency has published a ‘concept discussion document’ as the first step towards developing a...
The Department of Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs has called for input on a draft Inte...
A code of conduct for municipal councillors has been gazetted and is now in force.
The National Assembly’s Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs Committee has called for writt...
The DA’s Siviwe Gwarube called for proposals on the contents of a Local Government: Municipal Struct...
The National Assembly’s Co-operative Governance & Traditional Affairs Committee has called for input...