Please note: On 15 April 2024, departmental officials provided a copy of the draft B-BBEE code of practice on which input is now sought. It appears to be the same document as one taken from the dedicated website page. At the time of writing, the draft code had yet to be posted on the 'announcements' page to which the Government Gazette notice provides a link. 

The Department of Sport, Arts & Culture has gazetted a notice calling for input by 30 April 2024 on a draft code of practice for broad-based black economic empowerment in the events, technical and production services industry. Unfortunately, at the time of writing the draft code had still not been officially published on the department’s website. This despite more than 24 hours having passed since the notice was gazetted.

According to that notice, the proposed new code was developed following stakeholder consultations begun three years ago. Apparently, it focuses on ownership, management control, skills development, enterprise development and socio-economic development.

On 11 June 2012, the then Department of Trade & Industry issued a media statement announcing the establishment of a forum to ‘promote transformation’ in the events, technical and production services industry – ‘especially in the areas of skills development, preferential procurement and enterprise development’. This gives some context to a page on the Department of Sport, Arts & Culture website dedicated to the forum. It features links to various documents, including a version of the proposed new code updated on 27 November 2023. It is still not clear if this is the document on which input is now sought.

As soon as more information becomes available, it will be reflected in this report.

  • Government Gazette notice
  • updated draft code available on a website page dedicated to the process (yet to be confirmed as the document on which input is now sought)
  • forum page on the Department of Sport, Arts & Culture website
  • June 2012 media statement

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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