Please note: The Parliamentary Monitoring Group notice calling for written submissions was edited on 4 April 2023 to include a link to this document, which apparently reflects all the proposed amendments on which input is now sought.

The National Assembly’s Justice & Correctional Services Committee has called for written submissions by 28 April 2023 on a new set of amendments beyond the Bill’s original scope. Their purpose is to provide for the commercialisation of hemp.

Unfortunately, the proposals themselves are not included in the committee notice calling for submissions. Neither do they feature in a media statement issued by the committee also calling for input.

They appear to have stemmed from a document discussed at a meeting of the committee on 23 November 2022, when it was agreed that the House should be approached for permission to amend the Bill to provide for matters beyond its original scope (Parliamentary Monitoring Group).

However, a report to that effect tabled on 1 December 2022 makes no reference to the document. Neither does it suggest what the amendments might be.

At a House sitting on 28 February 2023, permission was nevertheless granted for the committee to proceed as proposed in the report.

  • Bill (original version, not yet revised to reflect changes yet to be finalised following hearings in August and September 2021 and May 2022)
  • committee notice
  • media statement
  • committee report requesting permission from the National Assembly (page 46 of the papers)
  • National Assembly minutes granting permission
  • document reflecting possible amendments

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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