Please note: This report was updated on 14 July 2023 to include links to the draft amendments, which were eventually found under ‘Legislation, Legal Notices,’Proposed Amendments to Regulations & Technical Standards’.  

According to a backdated notice gazetted on 8 July 2023, the Department of Transport and the South African Civil Aviation Authority are calling for public comments by 5 August 2023 on proposals for amending three sets of regulations and certain technical standards.

They have implications for:

  • appeals committee rules and procedures (draft amendments)
  • air cargo security (draft amendments)
  • aviation security for non-scheduled commercial aircraft operations (draft amendments), and
  • technical standards for medical certification (draft amendments).

An automated response to an email request for assistance refers to a waiting period of up to three business days. There was no response from the official whose email address is provided in the Government Gazette notice. 

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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