South Africa’s fourth national communication report to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been released in draft form for comment by 6 October 2024. According to a Department of Forestry, Fisheries & the Environment Government Gazette notice announcing this, the purpose of the draft report is to provide the Convention’s financial mechanism with information on the resources needed to implement national climate change policy and the broader Convention.

According to the concluding paragraph of the draft document’s executive summary, ‘significant and scaled-up resources are needed … for mitigation and adaptation actions across the entire economy’. Meanwhile, ‘government is putting in place an enabling institutional environment that can support a sustainable climate finance model, where mitigation and adaptation actions are funded over the long term and where this funding is accessible in a timeous manner to a broad range of stakeholders’. However, ‘this will take time to complete’.

Possibly because of capacity constraints, ‘support (was) needed and received’ for the draft report’s preparation. In that regard, certain chapters are attributed to local consultancies Zutari Africa and The Greenhouse.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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