The 2022 Employment Equity Amendment Act will come into force on 1 January 2025 in its entirety. This is according to a presidential proclamation somewhat confusingly referring to the number of each section of the principal statute amended by the new Act – at first glance giving the impression that some sections will remain in limbo, which is not the case. 

As has been widely reported, the amending legislation makes employment equity compliance a precondition for conducting business with the state. In addition, it:

  • empowers the Minister to:
    • regulate the compliance criteria to be met when tendering for state contracts, and
    • set employment equity targets per economic sector and region, taking account of regionally specific racial demographics, and
  • exempts entities with less than 50 employees from complying with the burdensome employment equity administrative processes of:
    • conducting workplace equity analyses
    • preparing employment equity plans, and
    • submitting employment equity reports.

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