Parliament has passed the Eskom Debt Relief Bill, which has been sent to President Cyril Ramaphosa for signature.

As SA Legal Academy has regularly reported, the Bill allows National Treasury to advance three specific amounts to Eskom in the form of loans for the current financial year, as well as for each of two successive financial years. The Bill also allows Eskom to convert a portion/portions of each loan to shares for the state, subject to certain conditions.

Parliament has also passed the 2023/24 Appropriation Bill, which gives practical effect to allocations set out in the 2023/24 Budget and on which Parliament has since voted. These allocations allow national government departments listed in the Bill’s schedule to function in keeping with their respective mandates.

In May and June each year, the work of parliamentary committees includes scrutinising the annual performance and strategic plans of each listed national department, as well as any state entities reporting to it. Committee reports on the discussions entailed inform the process of voting in each House in support of the year’s budgetary allocation.

  • Eskom Debt Relief Bill
  • Appropriation Bill
  • parliamentary papers confirming that both Bills have been passed (page 2)

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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