The Department of Mineral Resources & Energy has released a draft gas master plan for comment by 15 June 2024. According to the document’s executive summary, its scope is ‘limited’ to upstream production (including exploration) and midstream transmission networks (excluding reticulation). However, several references are made elsewhere to the inclusion of ‘downstream natural gas topology’ and ‘downstream distribution networks’ in the final plan, which is expected to ‘traverse’ the entire gas value chain.

Against that backdrop, the draft plan explores:

  • diversified supply options, while seeking to minimise foreign currency exposure, and
  • resilient gas infrastructure options given the possibility of ‘a later transition to cleaner fuels’ and associated ‘demand uncertainties, and seeks to
  • facilitate the development of an ‘efficient, competitive and responsive’ infrastructure network that will ‘enhance localisation’ and create jobs
  • ‘identify strategic partners in the Southern African Development Community’ with a view to unlocking local and regional gas demand, and
  • ‘ensure that environmental assets and natural resources are protected and continually enhanced’ through the use of cleaner energy technologies.

This is noting a draft Gas Amendment Bill gazetted in January 2024 for public comment, as SA Legal Academy reported at the time.

  • draft master plan
  • SA Legal Academy report on the draft Gas Amendment Bill

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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