Gone to zero: The rise and fall of UST and why we need regulation in the crypto space


It has become clear that block chain technology and the cryptocurrencies it supports are here to stay. It is time to seriously start considering if and how these crypto markets should be regulated. Although the novelty and legal uncertainty surrounding the crypto markets can seem daunting, it is also an extremely exciting field to get involved in and allows for interesting debates around what our executive and legislative branches ought to do. This is especially so in light of the recent crash of the once promising UST stable coin, which had serious and devastating effects on a large number of investors and companies in the crypto space. 

Click here to read more:  chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.cliffedekkerhofmeyr.com/export/sites/cdh/en/news/publications/2022/Practice/Dispute/Downloads/Dispute-Resolution-Alert-31-May-2022.pdf?_cldee=oSJUaUDehS8tZb_Nt4-IjyJ3-JvanVm_Fo42QhwVs0OGlMszPXU9C57cK253w-Ha&recipientid=contact-0559822378d7ec11a7b50022489eb623-d88b236086ef47d1a4331dd5fa0a4b01&esid=7be7b12f-62e0-ec11-bb3c-000d3ab71711

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