Please note: On 5 July 2024, Parliament issued a media statement on the reconfiguration of National Assembly committees to accommodate and conduct oversight on new ministries in the Government of National Unity. 

The Presidency has issued a media statement on the process of giving practical effect to the 14 June 2024 Government of National Unity (GNU) Statement of Intent. To that end:

  • the manifestos of parties to the GNU are already being analysed by government’s forum of directors-general
  • this analysis will inform proposals for a programme of action, which will take the form of a medium-term strategic framework (MTSF)
  • the proposed MTSF will be considered for adoption at a Cabinet lekgotla scheduled for 11 and 12 July 2024
  • the adopted MTSF will then be announced by the President at the opening of Parliament on 18th July 2024
  • informed by the MSTF, each national department will develop a strategic plan and annual performance plan for implementation, and
  • these plans will then be submitted to Parliament and the Department of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation, informing the oversight role for which each National Assembly committee is responsible.

The term ‘MSTF’ refers to a five-year planning and monitoring framework that may be revised over time.

According to the Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG), the National Assembly Rules Committee has increased the number of its portfolio committees from 26 to 30 by establishing separate committees for dealing with:

  • agriculture (previously under the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development Committee)
  • correctional services (previously under the National Assembly’s Justice & Correctional Services Committee)
  • energy and electricity (previously under the National Assembly’s Mineral Resources & Energy Committee), and
  • science, technology and innovation (previously under the National Assembly’s Higher Education, Science & Innovation Committee)

Mineral resources now fall under the National Assembly Committee on Mineral & Petroleum Resources.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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