The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has gazetted an amended set of regulations on the governance and functions of its Consumer Advisory Panel. Established under the Electronic Communications Act, 2005, among other things the panel is tasked with:

  • ‘liaising and engaging with consumers on a quarterly basis to understand … (their) perspectives on issues impacting the electronic communications, broadcasting and postal services sectors’
  • conducting the necessary research
  • ‘providing a consumer perspective through commentary on relevant regulations and regulatory projects when published for public comment’, and
  • preparing quarterly and annual reports to ICASA and its council.

The rationale underpinning the repeal and replacement of regulations in force since March 2017 is unpacked in an accompanying reasons document. This is noting that draft regulations were released in November 2022 for public comment.

Among other things, the revised regulations:

  • include economics and engineering in skills requirements to be met by nominees considered  for appointment as panel members, and
  • require panel members to have a minimum of five years’ experience in the electronic communications, broadcasting and postal services sectors.

The new regulations came into effect on 14 July 2023.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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