The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has gazetted a notice reopening a call for submissions first published in December 2023, when the authority began its inquiry into the impact of loadshedding on the electronic communications, broadcasting and postal services sectors. ‘Regulatory relief measures’ may be considered as one possible way addressing the issues likely to be raised.

The deadline for input is 1 March 2024.

As SA Legal Academy has already reported, the December 2023 notice included a short list of questions intended to elicit information on:

  • various aspects of business activity and the business environment affected by loadshedding
  • the severity of that impact during each stage of loadshedding
  • in-house mitigating measures, including their effectiveness and sustainability
  • customer complaints stemming from loadshedding
  • ‘customer churn’ attributed to loadshedding
  • regulatory environment impediments to addressing the problem
  • possible regulatory interventions to more effectively do so
  • energy user block exemptions, and
  • wheeling agreements with independent power producers.

Please click the links below for more information:

  • Government Gazette notice reopening call for submissions
  • December 2023 notice

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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