An explanatory summary of the Mine Health & Safety Amendment Bill’s overarching objectives has been gazetted in anticipation of formal introduction in Parliament. This follows Cabinet’s recent approval of the Bill for tabling, which was announced in a media statement among other things drawing attention to provisions seeking to:

  • streamline administrative processes
  • strengthen enforcement
  • reinforce offences and penalties, and
  • reduce fatalities, injuries and occupational diseases.

Against that backdrop, according to the Bill’s explanatory summary its proposals:

  • include measures to ‘strengthen managerial responsibility and accountability’
  • revise sections of the principal statute on the composition of the Mine Health & Safety Council, and
  • ‘repeal the establishment of the Mining Qualifications Authority’.

A draft Bill released in June 2022 for public comment had similar objectives. However, at the time of writing, neither the revised draft Bill nor the version approved for tabling was available.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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