Please note: On 12 December 2023, during a policy dialogue on universal health coverage in South Africa, the Minister delivered a speech in which he referred to plans for establishing NHI ‘administration and ... associated governance structures’ ‘in the coming three years, between 2024 and 2026’ – after the board and ‘other governance structures’. In each case, the necessary draft regulations ‘will be published for at least three months inviting people to comment’.

Government’s intention ‘has always been’ to introduce and implement national health insurance (NHI) in a ‘rational, structured and phased’ manner. This is according to a speech delivered by Health Minister Joe Phaahla on 6 December 2023, when the NCOP passed the NHI Bill’s ‘B’ version. It is now waiting to be signed into law.

NCOP delegates were reminded that the ‘actual implementation’ of ‘various provisions’ in the new piece of legislation will require ‘regulations, directives, and operational procedures’. Only when these have been prepared, released for public comment, finalised and gazetted will the ‘specific sections’ of the Act to which they apply come into force.

Stakeholders and members of the general public should not expect NHI to be implemented ‘once-off’ or ‘without due consideration of the key requirements for transitional arrangements’. It will take between ‘six and 12 months’ to finalise the governance and administration-related regulations necessary to establish the NHI fund as an autonomous public entity.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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