The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development has finally published a National Spatial Development Framework approved by Cabinet almost a year ago. The framework was not attached to a 1 February 2023 Government Gazette notice announcing the document’s availability. Instead, stakeholders were referred to the department’s website – which was offline at the time.

Now attached to the original notice, the framework seeks to respond to the requirements of the Spatial Planning & Land Use Management Act, 2013 – the overarching objective of which, is ‘not only … to attend to and rectify the fragmented, unequal and unfair … planning system inherited from the apartheid era, but also its consequences in space’. According to the framework’s introductory section, ‘this means the active pursuit of spatial transformation and social and economic inclusion to ensure equal access for all to the services, amenities and opportunities that well-planned, well-functioning and well-managed urban and rural settlements offer’.

With that in mind, the framework will be used to:

  • ‘target and direct all infrastructure investment and development spending decisions by all national sector departments and state-owned entities’
  • ‘guide and align plan-preparation, budgeting and implementation in and across the three spheres, and between the sectors of government’
  • ‘frame, guide and co-ordinate provincial, regional and municipal spatial development frameworks’, and
  • ensure that marine spatial planning processes and products are appropriately informed.

The framework is the culmination of a long and comprehensive consultation process begun as far back as 2014.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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