OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT (expiring from 1 March 2024 onwards)
29 February 2024
Opportunities for Public Comment
SA Legal Academy
This list was published on 1 March 2024, when all the documents concerned were still open for public comment and/or submissions. Please note:
- these documents are listed according to the date by which input should be received, beginning with deadlines scheduled to expire first
- input deadlines are indicated in parenthesis next to each document
- where the original deadline has been extended or reduced, the document concerned is highlighted in yellow
- where the original deadline has been brought forward, the date is emboldened in red
- the list is regularly updated, with new opportunities highlighted in blue
- expired opportunities for comment are only removed at the month-end
Please use SA Legal Academy search to locate a summary of each document. The search field can be found here above the heading ‘categories’.
Full list:
- draft thematic framework for heritage resource management (1 March 2024)
- Icasa inquiry into the impact of loadshedding on the electronic communications, broadcasting and postal services sectors (opportunity for comment reopened) (1 March 2024)
- draft guidelines for determining extended producer responsibility fees (2 March) 2024
- input for review of services reserved for the South African Post Office (6 March 2024)
- draft amendments to the social relief of distress grant regulations (6 March 2024)
- draft terms of reference for the Competition Commission’s poultry market inquiry (8 March 2024)
- Second Adjustments (2023/24 Financial Year) Appropriation Bill (8 March 2024)
- Division of Revenue Bill (8 March 2024)
- South African Council for the Project & Construction Management Professions draft policy on professional conduct (9 March 2024)
- South African Council for the Project & Construction Management Professions draft policy on appeals and tribunals (9 March 2024)
- proposal for de-listing certain waste management activities with negative environmental implications (10 March 2024)
- Pension Funds Amendment Bill (11 March 2024)
- Responsible Spending Bill (11 March 2024)
- draft regulations on water management and related services (12 March 2024)
- South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport Amendment Bill (14 March 2024)
- Revenue Laws Amendment Bill (14 March 2024)
- draft regulations under the Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act (15 March 2024)
- draft White Paper on Human Settlements (15 March 2024)
- draft safety regulations for small sea-going vessels (17 March 2024)
- draft amendments to Liquor Products regulations (17 March 2024)
- proposals for exempting the Kruger National Park from environmental authorisation requirements (17 March 2024)
- Icasa signal distribution services market inquiry supplementary discussion document (18 March 2024)
- Post Office Amendment Bill (20 March 2024)
- draft amendments to the private security industry regulations (22 March 2024)
- draft reviewed strategy for the national biodiversity economy (22 March 2024)
- draft Integrated Resource Plan (23 March 2024)
- Railway Safety Bill (25 March 2024)
- draft amendments to the immigration regulations 29 March 2024)
- draft Rates & Monetary Amounts Bill (30 March 2024)
- draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bill (30 March 2024)
- draft Global Minimum Tax Bill (30 March 2024)
- draft Global Minimum Tax Administration Bill (30 March 2024)
- draft national policy on public transport subsidies (31 March 2024)
- draft business licensing policy (31 March 2024)
- South African National Biodiversity Institute findings on the impact of trade in local species listed under CITES (5 April 2024)
- draft amendments to the dust control regulations (7 April 2024)
- Deeds Registries Amendment Bill (10 April 2024)
- proposed revisions to the code of professional conduct for registered auditors (8 and 19 April 2024)
- Preservation & Development of Agricultural Land Bill (15 April 2024)
- draft amendments to user and subscriber service charter regulations (15 April 2024)
- Statistics Amendment Bill (15 April 2024)
- draft amendments to public-private partnership regulations (national and provincial government) (15 April 2024)
- draft amendments to public-private partnership regulations (local government) (15 April 2024)
- Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill (22 April 2024)
- National Nuclear Regulator Amendment Bill (24 April 2024)
- draft railway network statement (26 April 2024)
- draft mine-related environmental rehabilitation financial provisioning set-aside calculation methodology (26 April 2024)
- Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill (29 April 2024)
- revised draft employment equity regulations (27 May 2024)
- draft radio frequency migration plan (31 May 2024)
Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch
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