The Municipal Fiscal Powers & Functions Amendment Bill’s ‘D’ version has been passed by both Houses and sent to the President for signature.

Once operationalised, it will enable municipalities to levy development charges on both public and private sector applicants. This is expected to ensure that a ‘substantial portion’ of municipal bulk infrastructure is ‘financed on a user pays principle’ – ‘with the needs of poor households directly and transparently supported through public subsidies, including intergovernmental transfers’.

According to a recent parliamentary media statement and associated papers, in addition three more Bills have been adopted by the National Assembly and sent to the NCOP for concurrence. They are:

  • the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill’ ‘B’ version (providing for the introduction of a two-pot retirement system, for implementation from September 2024)
  • the Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill’s ‘B’ version (intended to ‘address gaps and challenges’ in the prevailing system), and
  • the Deeds Registries Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version (intended to ‘streamline and enhance the administration and registration of deeds’).

Unfortunately, at the time of writing the Bills’ latest versions were not available.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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