Revised versions of the South African Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Bill and Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority Bill have been adopted by the National Assembly committees concerned and tabled in the House for second readings, with accompanying reports. One passed by the National Assembly, the revised Bills will be sent to the NCOP for concurrence.

Among other things, the South African Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Bill provides for:

  • an expanded mandate
  • repurposed infrastructure
  • improved governance
  • diversified and expanded services, and
  • the appointment and functions of a stamp advisory committee.

Please note that a committee report on the Bill tabled in the House on 21 November 2023 was replaced the following day.

Turning to the Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority Bill, once passed by Parliament, enacted and operationalised it will repeal and replace the Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 – aligning and updating the legislative framework with prevailing practices.

At the time of writing, the revised Bill was not yet publicly available. The committee’s amendments are nevertheless included in the report to which a link is provided below.

More information can be obtained by clicking the following links:

  • South African Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version
  • parliamentary papers featuring the committee’s replacement report on the South African Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Bill (page 21)
  • parliamentary papers featuring a committee report on the Independent Municipal Demarcation Authority Bill, including amendments (page 44)

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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