The National Assembly has issued a media statement confirming that the following Bills have been sent to the NCOP for concurrence:

  • the Public Service Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version (which seeks to respond to ‘various court decisions relating to the field of public administration, as well as issues identified in a South African Law Reform Commission report on legislation administered by the Department of Public Service & Administration),
  • the Public Administration Management Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version (which seeks to address certain challenges encountered in attempting to implement the principal statute, as well as ‘unfair disparities’ in public sector remuneration and conditions of service in the public sector), and
  • the Statistics Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version (the Bill’s overarching objective is to facilitate ‘collaboration amongst data producers and (the) users of data’ so that ‘quality statistics’ inform planning, policy formulation, monitoring, evaluation and evidence-based decision-making)

As section 76 pieces of legislation affecting the provinces, the Public Service Amendment Bill and Public Administration Management Amendment Bill must each be subjected to a robust public participation process managed by the provincial legislatures. This is a constitutional requirement. Given that Parliament is scheduled to rise at the end of March 2024 in anticipation of May’s general elections, it seems unlikely that these Bills will be passed any time soon. They will probably be allowed to lapse – for revival and ongoing consideration by the next Parliament.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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