Please note: On 30 January 2024, papers were posted on Pariament’s website announcing the formal introduction of both Bills. The papers are dated 24 January 2024.

The National State Enterprises Bill and the Repeal of South African Airways (SAA) Bill have been tabled in Parliament. Although parliamentary papers have yet to be published formally announcing this, both Bills have been posted on Parliament’s own website. They have also been added to the Parliamentary Monitoring Group’s list of Bills now being processed.

The National State Enterprises Bill provides for:

  • the development of a national strategy for commercial state-owned enterprise (SOE) ownership, and
  • the establishment of a state-owned holding company, in keeping with a Cabinet decision to adopt a centralised shareholder model for the ownership of a limited number of ‘duly proclaimed' SOEs.

According to a memorandum on the Bill’s objects, the intention is that the state-owned holding company should ‘ensure that subsidiary companies’ operations are politically insulated, professionalised and transparent’.

The purpose of the Repeal of SAA Bill is to facilitate SAA’s repositioning and restructuring ‘through the introduction of a strategic equity partner’ – making government a minority shareholder.

  • National State Enterprises Bill
  • Repeal of SAA Bill

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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