In his 2023 State of the Nation Address, President Cyril Ramaphosa referred briefly to progress expected to be made during the coming months with three pieces of legislation.

According to the President, the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill will be tabled in Parliament ‘later this year’. once in force and operationalised, it is expected to ‘transform the energy sector and establish a competitive electricity market’.

In anticipation of the passing, enactment and implementation of the South African Postbank Ltd Amendment Bill, the President noted that Postbank is already ‘reviewing its service offerings so that it can provide a viable and affordable alternative to the commercial banks’.

The President also expects the draft Public Procurement Bill to be finalised, ready for Cabinet approval and tabling. The Bill’s purpose will be to ‘address weaknesses identified by the State Capture Commission and improve efficiency, value for money and transparency’.

  • draft Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill (released in February 2022 for public comment)
  • South African Postbank Amendment Bill (tabled in Parliament in May 2022 and referred to the National Assembly’s Communications & Digital Technologies Committee)
  • draft Public Procurement Bill (released in February 2020 for comment and reportedly still under discussion in the National Economic Development & Labour Council)
  • State of the Nation Address, 2023

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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