The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Finance has issued notices separately calling for written submissions by 7 October 2024 on six draft tax and revenue law amendment Bills among other things seeking to give practical effect to proposals in the 2024/25 Budget. This is in anticipation of parliamentary hearings on 8 and 9 October 2024 and noting that:

  • the draft Rates & Monetary Amounts Bill, draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bill, draft Global Minimum Tax Bill and draft Global Minimum Tax Administration Bill were released by National Treasury in February 2024 for public comment, as SA Legal Academy reported at the time, and that
  • the draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill and Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill were released by National Treasury in August 2024 for public comment, as SA Legal Academy also reported at the time.

It is customary for tax, rates and revenue law amendment Bills emanating from each year’s Budget to be considered by the parliamentary committees concerned in draft form before being revised for tabling with the annual Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. The revised versions are then processed by these committees and passed by both Houses in anticipation of being signed into law and operationalised before the end of the prevailing tax year.

For more information, please click the links below:

  • committee notice on draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill
  • committee notice on draft Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill
  • committee notice on draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bill
  • committee notice on draft Rates & Monetary Amounts Bill
  • committee notice on draft Global Minimum Tax Bill
  • committee notice on draft Global Minimum Tax Administration Bill
  • SA Legal Academy February 2024 report
  • SA Legal Academy August 2024 report

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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