The Department of Transport has issued a Government Gazette notice calling for input by 3 August 2023 on proposed amendments to tourism transport operator regulations under the National Land Transport Act, 2009. The amendments envisaged appear to be identical to those on which public comment was sought in April 2023 – as SA Legal Academy reported at the time.

Once finalised and in force, they will require:

  • every prospective tourist transport services operator to simultaneously apply for accreditation and an operating license, and
  • every existing unaccredited operator to ‘apply for accreditation without delay, to avoid being barred’ from providing tourist transport services when the Act’s sub-section 81(1) comes into effect.

This is noting that sub-section 81(1) makes accreditation mandatory.

The draft amendments also propose that, when deciding whether to grant or refuse an accreditation application, the authority concerned should be required to pay ‘due regard to the need to promote small business and persons previously disadvantaged through unfair discrimination’.

  • draft regulations gazetted on 30 June 2023 for comment
  • SA Legal Academy article
  • draft regulations gazetted in April 2023 for comment

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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