The NCOP Committee on Transport, Public Service & Administration and Public Works & Infrastructure has called for written submissions by 27 March 2023 on three Bills:

  • the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill (tabled in 2020)
  • the National Road Traffic Amendment Bill (tabled in 2020), and
  • the National Road Transport Amendment Bill (tabled in 2016).

A ‘B’ version of the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill was passed by the National Assembly in September 2022 and sent to the NCOP for concurrence. Its purpose is to consolidate, rationalise and, where necessary, redesign transport sector economic regulation by introducing a single multi-modal regulatory system, and establishing two parallel independent but integrated regulatory agencies.

A ‘B’ version of the National Road Traffic Amendment Bill was also passed by the National Assembly in September 2022 and sent to the NCOP for concurrence. Its purpose is to facilitate the implementation of strategic interventions highlighted in the 2006 Road Safety Strategy and to address related ‘practical challenges’.

Passed by both Houses in 2020, the National Road Transport Amendment Bill was returned to Parliament by the President 18 months later because of constitutional concerns about the contradictions in certain clauses affecting the interface between national, provincial and municipal responsibilities. This is noting that, according to a memorandum on the Bill’s objects, the Act was commenced ‘in some haste’ mainly ‘to cater for the introduction of bus rapid transit systems … (and) certain arrangements for the 2010 soccer World Cup. ‘Technical issues’ necessitated the amendments envisaged. A “D’ version of the Bill was passed by the National Assembly in October 2022 and sent to the NCOP for concurrence.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch


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