The Department of Home Affairs has gazetted a notice inviting businesses, investors and corporate employers to submit expressions of interest in a ‘trusted employer scheme’ pilot intended to facilitate the process of:

  • attracting skilled personnel from other countries, and
  • managing their immigration.

The intention is that fewer requirements and supporting documents will be necessary when qualifying employers submit work visa and residence permit applications.

Eligibility criteria include being able to demonstrate:

  • the ‘financial strength to employ a foreign national’, and
  • that skills transfer and training programmes are already in place for South African citizens.

The pilot follows the completion of a work visa system review announced in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s February 2022 State of the Nation Address (SONA). More information on plans for streamlining the system featured in an speech delivered by the President at South Africa’s fifth investment conference in April 2023.

Published by SA Legal Academy Policy Watch

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